▪︎■ 51 ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Adrin Bianchi ■▪︎

Miguel had lead us to the back door which we were currently walking through, following him to the parking lot of the building. Outside stood a car with tinted windows. One of them was down, leaving Erlina's face exposed for us to see.

I smiled at her when she noticed us, wiggled out of her seat and opened the door. She jumped out of the car and ran towards her mother who already did the same and had her arms opened to embrace her when she had almost reached Erlina.

While my two girls hugged, Miguel lead me to the side to have a talk. Just us. I didn't know what to think of it but he didn't seem strained.

"Your submersion is already prepared. I've got new passports for you three. They're inside the car on the passenger seat. The GPS will lead you to my private airport, there's a jet ready for you. Everything covered, don't worry. No one knows you're there."

"The pilot?" I asked.

He grinned and shook his head. "Yes, Mr. Bianchi, there will be a pilot. He has strict orders to not ask questions nor get to know who he will bring to Colombia."

My eyes narrowed because I still had my fair amount of doubts about it.

"He's clear," Miguel reassured. "He does this kind of job for an eternity now and he's my most trusted expert for those things."

Finally I nodded, letting it slide this time. Miguel had definitely proven to me that he could be trusted. I was extremely grateful for his work and help and I had to admit he was a good man over all.

"Thank you for your help, I would have lost them without you," I said as I let my eyes find Nara and Erlina. "If you ever need my help, let me know."

He grinned, then his face twisted in playful disgust as a shudder rocked through him.

"I liked you a whole lot better when you didn't like me, Bianchi. This creeps me out..." He grinned while he basically insulted me.

I let out a laugh and shook my head. "Another word and I might."

"Seriously, there's nothing to thank me for. I would have lost them, too. I love those monsters like the family I never had," the man answered to my earlier thank you and took a look at said monsters with a smile.

I admired his loyalty and appreciation for their strong friendship. It was clear he loved them like sisters and after what Nara told me about his past, it was no surprise that- and why, he had a soft spot for them. The had survived what his sister didn't after going through nearly the same.

"When we're at it now- talking about family... I have one last thing I have to ask of you."

"Damn, you really were a lot easier back when you let no one help you. That character developement costs me far too much..." He joked again. At least I hoped he did.

Waiting for a clear answer, I waited and raised my brows, questioning.

He chuckled, seemingly amused about my incertitude.

"Fine, what is it?"

"Could you meet with my right hand? I have something to tell him, now, that he will take over, and I obviously can't talk to him. He doesn't know that I'm alive yet..."

"Sure," the man began, "I have to talk to him anyway because there are things to sort out after all that has happened. New business arrangements are of prime importance there but I can tell him what you want me to say."

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