▪︎■ 55 || Bonus ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Miguel Alejo Suarez ■▪︎

To call my current life busy would be an underestimatement. Don't tell Ainara but she did a pretty solid job- and all that while having a child to take care of. I always respected her- now even more. It was a lot of work, but you could say it was my passion. More or less. The business? Yes. The paperwork? Hell no.

Even leading one cartel was one hell of a job but two?! Some would call it crazy. It is. But I'm too, so it evens out. I would just advise said people not to ask me any questions about my work-life-balance. Just so you know, my life was work currently.

It were only twelve hours since Ainara disappeared, going to Colombia with her family and I was currently working on another point on my checklist; doing that damn italian man his beloved favor. Oh, he would so have to return all those favors to make up the stress I went through while he tanned his ass in the sun of my home country.

I wasn't really angry at him, I was just stressed and had to learn that 'time is money' is in fact not said by boring workaholics to sound important but rather because it was true. Also, I may had turned into a workaholic myself, much to my disliking. It was only natural in the beginning of building a business but I missed being out there. I missed the adventure, the challenge. The killing.

The only challenge I had right now was to work through a whole pile of paper work before tomorrow without dying of boredom.

Maybe I should get an assistant.

"Mr. Suarez?" I heard Nico say my name.

"Yes. I will sign the contracts by tomorrow to extend the current one."

"Well then, to a good alliance." He said and raised his glass. I mirrored his gesture.

"Theres something else I'm here for today. A friend told me to deliver a message to you. He said you may have your brother's money now but still shouldn't spend it all at once."

I felt ridiculous but whatever.

The things you do for a hot-tempered women who's basically a sister to me.

He smiled, looking relieved when the words sank in. "That jackass..." He paused. "I can't believe I bought him that stupid light for nothing."

He murmured something else before turning back to me. "Thank you. So... he is alive?"

"They surely did die. Whereever they are now, I'm sure they have found their peace." I just hinted at the truth.

He nodded, a lopsided smile on his face. At least he got my hint. "I see... May they rest in peace then."


Even after a long day of work and a single break that lasted for solid ten minutes, I arrived at my office for the probably fifth time today. My mood was in desperate need of an uplifting and I asked myself if there were any labor unions for mafia dons, fighting for a healthy work-life-balance.

I entered the elevator. After the doors had closed, I brought my hand up to my tie, loosening the knot while I noisily breathed out of my mouth, letting the air out to release some of the tension I felt. I've had about five minutes until Cruz came into my office to have another emergency meeting, and it was already time for some needed sleep, so I wasn't really in the mood for what was once again awaiting me for the rest of the night. I didn't even know what the emergency was.

The doors opened and the only sounds that were noticable at this time of the night, were the ringing of the elevator and my firm steps through the hallway on my way to the office.

Not rushing for once, I reached for the door handle and walked into the room, which reminded me more of a penthouse up on a skyscraper.

When the room was in full sight, I noticed that someone was already here.

My eyes found a woman, sitting on my chair. Now I knew what was bothering Ainara all the times I did that to her...

The mysterious stranger had her legs crossed, one over the other, posture relaxed and confident. My eyes travelled up from her legs to her arms which were stretched forward, holding a gun, aiming directly at me. I didn't let the weapon keep me from checking out her face. She had fair skin, blonde hair and light eyes- blue, I supposed. It was hard to tell over the distance. What I could tell though, was that she was beautiful.

Now that's what I call a moodlifter.

Without bothering the gun, I walked to the mini bar and poured myself a scotch. I almost sighed. That night was going great, really.

It was quite naïve of her to think for a second she could 1. kill me, and 2. get out of the building alive. What she did was nothing but suicidal.

"And you are?" I asked the women, sounding like I just got defeated by boredom. She may had intrigued me a little, but the day had been too long for that curiousity to get to me.

"Here to kill you," she answered, her voice as smooth as her skin.

"Yea, that much I figured," I answered dryly. "You're sitting inside my seat."

"I'm exactly where I belong, Mr. Suarez." She raised her chin slightly- a gesture that reeked of confidence and arrogance.

I raised my brow a little and took another gulp of the alcohol. "I've had a fucking long day, blondie. I know you want to kill me but I'm afraid you have to speed that up a little. If you don't kill me with that dry ass conversation I will definitely kill myself to end- whatever this is."

She chuckled darkly and I would definitely lie if I said it didn't lure me in. "You're even worse than I thought you were... Usually I'm not one to have a chat with my victims but you're hot and underlined in red on my list, so I'll make an exception."

"My name is Aleksandra. Aleksandra Iwanow."

My brows furrowed.
Iwanow's daughter.

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