▪︎■ 54 || Bonus ■▪︎

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▪︎■ Adrin Bianchi ■▪︎

I knew it wasn't possible to forget everything that had happened, but we were young and in love. We had each other to help to carry our heavy past.
Realistically, running away didn't change what we'd done or what ghosts haunted us at night, but for Ainara and I it had been a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Which we'd used.

I got along quite well so far, Ainara too, but she couldn't hide from me how worried she sometimes stared around because her daughter obviously suffered the most damage from all the drama. We couldn't send her to therapy, unfortunately. We'd already tried it, but it was just too dangerous, too risky. She was just a kid, and as fucked up as it was, if she said one wrong word, we'd be in big trouble.

I was incredibly sorry to know that she was still suffering because of our choices. It was all at her expense. But today- today, for once, she was in a good mood when I woke her up in her room. 

"Wake up, little gremlin. It's mama's birthday and that means...?" I said, unsing her nickname. She opened her eyes and smiled immediately. 

"Chocolate cake with gummy bears!" I smiled and she was already jumping out of her bed. It was one of the few things she kept from her former character. She loved birthdays, especially the cake, and I had a feeling that wasn't going to change any time soon.

One year had passed already, so today wasn't the first birthday we celabrated in our new home and slowly we were really getting into a routine. Just like any onter normal family did. I loved Elia like my own child and I, in the meantime, could finally understand why it'd been so difficult for Miguel to let them both go. I didn't think it was possible for me to someday do the same, at this point.

We hadn't heard from Miguel since that day he saved our lifes, but it was too dangerous to contact him. For now we could only imagine what happened to him, the colombian and the russian cartel.

Erlina ran in front of me, right to Ainara's and my bedroom. She opened the door and continued to jump to the bed. There was light shining through the big windows, right onto Nara's sleepy face. She was awake, though.

"Feliz cumpleaños, mama!" Elia squeaked, jumping on the bed. Ainara opened her eyes fully and smiled, although I knew she must have been a little tired of the gremlin's jumping.

She's so patient... I admired her.

I stood in the doorframe, smiling slightly as I watched them.

After a few moments Elia lost her last bit of patience and jumped from the bed, then disappeared through the door, walking right past me to get to the kitchen as fast as possible. When I got my moment with my women, I was certain her daughter was already in the kitchen, searching for the cake.

Nara's gaze met mine and I grinned, walking up to her. She yawned, then scrunched her nose in that adorable way I loved so much and finally smiled at me.

I came to a halt right next to the her and bend down, kissing her passionately. "Happy birthday, amore." We parted before I placed a kiss on her cheek, right next to her ear in which murmured my next works. "You're doing so good, mama. I'm so proud of you." I referred to her earlier calm reaction to Erlina.

"Thank you, amor," she answered, her smile noticable with every syllable, and Nara hugged me from beneath.


"I'm so full, I think I'll have to roll back home," Ainara said, talking about the food we just had. "It was great though, thank you, amor."

"Me too," Elia said, rubbing over her stomach. I grinned and lightly shook my head.

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