bless me Mother for I have sinned

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The church was empty that night, there was no mare coming to the church, probably due to the incidents happening in terra steed. Daybreak sits down at one of the pews of the church. Daybreak felt regretful at that moment, for everything and what she did regret, was abandoning her daughter, if only she knew how desperate she was when she created the destroyer of worlds, if only she knew why nightfall would blend both realities, the nightfall wouldn't have happened, she would have pushed her daughter to the right direction to go.

And just then, somemare walked into the door, not the main door, but the door from the side, a drunk disco daring, trying to keep her balance, carrying beer bottles as she was walking to the confession booth, and walked inside the second door, daybreak wanted to know what happened to her, why she would get drunk in the church, she walked to the confession booth into the first door, and as she closes the door into the booth, she takes a seat and opens the window to see disco looking unhealthy and looking miserable. Daybreak looked at her, but disco did not want to look at whoever was in here with her. By the looks of it, she must have felt this overwhelming guilt.

"Bless me m-" she burps, "mother... for I.... for I have sinned!" she begins, not looking at whoever was in here.

"disco... you look horrible, I sensed great pain in your heart, tell me, what sin have you committed?"

disco talks slowly and she hiccups and burps throughout her speech due to how drunk she is, she begins her confession.

"I... I screw up worse than I have ever imagined it to be, and I don't think life will ever get better after what I did." she sniffled, "I just wish that there was redemption for me."

"what happened?"

disco drinks her beer, and she begins her confession.

"I have a very veeeeerrrryyy long story to tell. It started four years ago, before nightfall nod was exiled, my... My brother had a chemistry test that day, I never cared, and I just love my brother... well... too much anyways."

"What do you mean?"

"I accidentally ran over his bike last night and I made him late for his exam, and he kicked me out of his life because of it. He said that all we will ever be his roommates since he lives in the same house as me, and I was trying desperately to have my brother back.

I thought he needed me, so I tried to hang out with him because everything has gone downhill for me. While his life is a lot better without me, mine isn't without him, everytime I want to hang out, he just gives me the cold shoulder.

He even made a lot more friends than me, I only made two after I left. Odds and nutthen.

What made me realize that I needed him, is when the chemistry test started, he had a new lab partner instead of me, and I even failed the chemistry test! I apologize to him and... and I gave up.

And I moved away from my home I haven't changed back to my old self ever since, when I bullied nightfall along with nutthen and odds."

Daybreak's eyes widened with disbelief, "you!? You bullied her!?"

"Yup, I admit it. I bullied nightfall, and many nobodies along with nutthen and odds, knowing I will never change back to who I used to be, because if I did, than it would make my situation even worse would it?"

Daybreak remembered the worlds from nightfall when she made her first confrontation when she built her army out of her own kind, and the destroyer of worlds that she had witnessed.

"I'm sorry mother, but once I realized I can't control this power coursing through me, I finally understood its purpose."

the last sentence echoed in her mind, as she shivered in terror by what she just realized.

"I get to be the bully now."

"I get to be the bully now."

"I get to be the bully now."

the bullying.

the bullying she witnessed is what started the war between mother and daughter. everything her daughter had done, every atrocity that ever happened in terra steed was all their fault. she wasn't angry, she was just terrified. and what terrified her even more, is what happened to her back when humanity was around. she was bullied by the human with the numbers 666 when she was younger. it all makes sense, she now fully understands her daughter.

she looked back at Disko, the mare who s6tarted the war. she wanted to yell at Disko for what she has done. but knowing how dangerous it would be for her, she takes a deep breath and calms down, "look, disco, I'm sorry that you have to go through this, and I'm sorry that your brother kicked you out of your life, but you can't just lash out on nightfall for this, you could have risk the lives of others."

disco smiled with nostalgia, "Why not? I thought that my life was better without my brother when I became a bully, anymare would be intimidated by my treatment, and nightfall is who I bullied the most," she chuckled, "hey mother, maybe everymare's strangeness maybe contagious, maybe yours! Gala I thought it was better!"

Her nostalgia turns back to painful memories, "but... the mare of nod proved me wrong... when she chopped my hoof off as punishment."

disco raises her right hoof up to show daybreak her amputee hoof, "can you tell?"

"Yeah, I can tell", she answered sadly, "your confession made me realize that sometimes, we don't just commit sins for the sake of vanity, we commit them, to express how we feel. What happened to you now?"

"After she chopped my hoof off, I became an alcoholic. I never left my house, except going into the store and buying more cider. Nutthen was murdered, odds was sent a month in prison for whatever reason, and I have been drinking cider constantly, not knowing what to do to change for the better. I apologize to my brother, but was that really worth it, after all of this?"

"I'm sorry, disco, that must be very tough."

disco became angry, "tough? Tough!? What do you know about tough!? Have you been kicked out of the life of a loved one, not having a brother anymore!? Have you lost all hope for redemption, not knowing when or how you are gonna change with no comfort at home!? I mean, how many hail mares do I have to give!? Where was your advice for me!? My brother's life was a lot better than this! I put myself in this, how am I supposed to get out of it!?"

disco drinks her cider.

"I can understand your frustration, I know how tough it is to go through this, but you see..." daybreak remembers one of her parables she wrote down, "I'll be right back."

daybreak left the booth to get the book of terra steed out of the back of the pew, and came back inside the booth.

"disco, there is a parable I want you to listen to, it is the parable of the prodigal foal,

A single mother had a daughter, and she said to her mother 'mother, I want my share of your money now, before you die.' she agreed to divide her wealth to her daughter, and she went out into the world,

But she wasted all the money in wild living when she moved out. And about the time her money ran out, the city was in ruins and a great famine struck and she starved, she realized what she had done saying, 'my mother's workers have made plenty of wheat and here I am starving to death! I will go to my mother and say mother I have sinned against daybreak, and against your sight, I am no longer good enough to be your daughter. Have me as one of your workers.'"

disco teared up with empathy, "I know how she feels!" disco sobbed and took another drink.

Daybreak smiled warmly, "I'm not done, When she came back home, she was along way off. Her mother, out of compassion, ran for her daughter with joy, and she hugged her so tightly, and she kissed her.

Her daughter with tears in her eyes said to her, 'Mother, I have sinned against daybreak, and against your sight, I am no longer good enough to be your daughter, have me as your worker.

Her mother said unto her 'hurry put the best clothes and put them on her! Let us celebrate her return, my daughter was lost and now she's found! She died and was now back to life!' and they all celebrated."

"What does that parable have to do with my life?" she asked while tears streamed down her face.

Daybreak looked at disco and smiled, "this story is telling us something about daybreak, the mother is just like her, and her daughter is just like you, or anymare else for that matter. The point I was trying to make with this story is that daybreak's love has no limits, it goes on forever. No matter what you've done, daybreak will always forgive you. And when she sees you coming, she will just keep hugging you, because patience is the most important virtue. And to ask you, why have you come here through the wrong door?"

"I want what I came here for... absolution, I never expect a goddess like daybreak to forgive me, but for the sake of curiosity... bless me mother for I have sinned."

Daybreak thought about it, and decides to reveal herself, "keep in mind, Disco that my daughter has no influence from you, leave, and go someplace else where it is full of musical talents, there is someone who will help you with your problems, they would be friends with you, and I promise you that your life will be better than before, you may not have nightfall's forgiveness, but you do have mine."

Disco looked at the window, and she finally saw daybreak as her eyes widened, and they slowly turned to sadness as tears flowed in her eyes as she walked out of the booth as the door opens. She opens the other door and hugs daybreak as her tears suddenly bursts, disco cried for hours as daybreak hugged her very tightly. Disco did not drink another cider, she did not hold back her emotions, she just let it all out. All of it. Daybreak smiled as she rested her head on disco shoulders, and it echoed the whole church. She cried for hours until there are no tears left.

The end.

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