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HELLO everyone! this book has been inspired by a failed attempt to make a fake F.B. account.

so let's get started.




Mari's POV

The last few days of school have been horror. my friend alyssa has been ignoring me. so i decided to do the worst i could possibly do.  alyssa was talking about this website called  SevenD. It was a website where you make your own music and other people like it and become fans of you.

i already have an account but i want to make another one. a FAKE one. i got to google and typed in SevenD and a whole bunch of links came up. i scrolled down. Ah! there it is. i clicked on the link and it came to the website.

i clicked sign up and the sign up screen came on. i starred at the first box. account name... what should it be? i sat there for what felt like two hours. i looked around, hoping to get some ideas.

hmm let's see, cupcake nah, unicorn? no too girly. uhm how about... light filled the room. it was a bolt of lightning. it was like a sign. how about thunderandlightning123? no too long...

AHA! i got it! struck_by_lightning. i like it. it doesn't look long. and it isn't boring. i smiled deviously. password... hmm thats easy. i typed in 102030405060708090. yes thats good.

i finished all the age things and finaly my account was activated. i smiled darkly. this is going to be fun...

Snap out of it Marissa! i told myself. The objective is to be friends with her all over again. then gain her complete trust and see if she ignores me. if she doesn't then i know that she doesn't like me. the real me. and if she does. well that means she doesn't like anyone.

my thoughts were interupted by my door opening. "its dinner time hun!" my dad said. "OK dad! just a sec!" i called back.

i put in  my name as marli. it was a clue. soon i will find out. very soon.


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