Chapter one

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The desolate space behind the school, where an overgrown garden sat was my place. I could be who ever I wanted, do what ever I wanted, cry if I wanted. For it was my spot, until it wasn't.

James, such a boring name, almost as boring as the person the name had been assigned to. From birth everyone knew that he would be a boring person. Average until the day he died.

"Most of you did good on this pass assignment. I'm very happy that most of you understood the material. Don't forget that anything that didn't make much sense don't hesitant to contact me. This stuff's only going to get harder y'all." Mr. Smith spoke as his passed the papers from the last assignment out. Though James couldn't hear, the C circled in red ink stared him down. A C, breathing seemed harder. "Yes James?" Mr. Smith asked. James hadn't realized that he had raised his arm, seemingly for a long time as his arm was being to ache.

"May I go to restroom?" He stood without waiting for an answer. Leaving the classroom in a panic. 'Average, A C is average! Either excel or be forgotten. Is that what you want to be forgotten!?'

When James finally came to he was sitting in his favorite spot. The forgotten garden of the school, overgrown and plain. A hidden beautiful with its budding weeds, vibrant yellow flowers, and hanging vines that wrapped around the ground built in flower pots. The morning dew glistening when the sun beamed off of the water droplets left. The sun shined through the woods that surrounded the back half of the school.

The melodic symphony of the creatures of the wild made the incident of earlier seem so far away.

Taking a deep sigh of air the world seemed so insignificant until. "You're probably going to wanna chill with those deep breaths of yours secondhand smoking kills just as fast as actually smoking." An annoyingly familiar voice grumbled.

"Why do you always come when it's my turn?" James groaned rubbing his hand against his temples. "Check again, Buttercup, third through fifth is my time. You said something about AP Eng being to important to miss." He said taking another drag. This time blowing out away from his direction.

"What happened?" He asked. James looked up at the standing boy before looking back down to his knees, "What happened to you?"

It was a thing they did. A routine when ever they happened to meet each other at their spot. Ask each other what's wrong only for the other to deflect or completely ignore the question for a lighter conversation

"Why can't you be like the rest of our generation and smoke those vape thingy's?"

"Because unlike them I'm not a pussy."

James chuckled, "Yeah okay. All I'm saying is that if your going to get lung cancer at least get the good smelling and tasting kind." "Give me a flavor and I'll smoke it, just for you love bug."

"How would I know the flavors? I don't smoke, but get something that's blue, if your being honest." James teased. "If it's about you then I'm as serious as a heart attack," He said throwing down the butt of the cigarette, "But by any means you should probably get going your precious sixth period starting, say hey to Marcel for me."  He added as he gathered his stuff walking away.

James waved at his back. Before heading back to his AP English class to retrieve his items.

Entering the class room was awkward. Mr. Smith looked at him with a critical look, judging him for not coming back to class. As James grabbed his things, Mr Smith started, "Care to explain why you didn't come back from the bathroom?" 

"I...My stomach was hurting?" James asked. "Are you asking me or telling?" "Telling— I'm informing you that I was not feeling well and I'm sorry that I missed the later half of your class." James replied, he had his bag in his hands now. The strap awkwardly hanging off his shoulder.

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