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She swiftly ran to the top of a tall oak tree, non of her steps were heard by the Onis. When she got to the top she pulled her bow back and charged a blue arrow. She recently learned that her bow had built in arrows so she didn't have to use her attribute. All the arrows had their own abilities, the blue ones could turn invisible when she sped them up.

Vena put a bit of her wind power to the rear end of the bow. She didn't have to worry about wind resistance since this bow negated that. At first she had it was by coincidence that nun of her bows slowed down when she fired them, but Samantha gave her a book with the bows abilities.

The others also wanted books but they were scattered all around the world. In the original story they eventually found the books but they were already in their peak. She fired the bow.


The other thing that made it deadly, was that it sounded just a gust of wind so nobody would suspect or hear it coming. The arrow flew into the Onis eye. It crouched down on the ground while screaming in pain. The other Oni looked at the direction where the arrow at the came from but didn't notice anything.

' Detonate '


The head of the Oni that was injured suddenly explode, all its head juices splat around , it fell over to the ground in a thud. The other Oni was shocked by this, he tried to sense Vena's energy but it couldn't. Vena was sitting on a branching giggling, she found the sight of the Onis confused face very amusing.

'Time to get rid you' She thought.

Vena stealthy went down the tree and sprinted at the Oni from behind. Non of her steps made sounds so she went unseen and heard. When she got close to the Oni she drew her bow and fired an arrow at its back,  she drew another and shot it. Continuing this process till it was laid flat on the ground without any movement. She didn't have to do this but she felt like it. Vena pulled her bow back and fired arrows around where she was, knowing that Samantha had planned on sending a hoard she acted before she Samantha could. These arrows were very sensitive, meaning the slightest movement would end in a boom.

After she was done Vena blitzed back to the top of the tree and sat there, waiting for her traps to get set off. And they did.



Multiple sounds of explosions filled the forest. Shock waves following after the other like fire works. Vena was peacefully sat on the tree without a care in the world. She knew what she did was basically cheating but there weren't any rules in the forest.

' But I'm not really satisfied with this win. I should go down and start taking this challenge a bit serious or I'll regret it later on when I hear the girls talking about their fights'

She leaped over to the field which had many Onis walking around aimlessly. They saw Vena and started running towards her. Some sent a couple wind and fire attacks. They got amplified by their duality making a huge flame and wind ball hurtling to her. Vena didn't even flinch at this sight. When it got near her she cut the ball using her hand. It got split into two and flew passed her.

Venas hand was covered in wind power so she could easily slice it.

' Alright let's get this over with' She thought.

She started Sprinting at them in fast speeds, Vena charged and arrow and fired a barrage of them at a group of Onis. She then leaped into the air and sent more arrows at them, which flew at the with blinding speeds and killed the Onis. Vena landed creating a shock wave and fired stronger arrows, a single arrow flew through 7 arrow before it detonated into a large tornado. The many corpses on the ground were carried into the sky the tornado. Vena saw that a single Oni was still alive. She made an blade used out of wind and ran so fast that she dissappeared. Appearing Infront of the Oni which was still shocked by the sight of its brethren flying in the air.

Vena sliced it's torso which went through it cleanly. She smirked and walked off without looking back at her kill.

' That was awesome!' She thought happily.

Our last waifu was also in the same predicament as all her fellow sisters in love. She held both her daggers in hand. They crackled loudly making the Oni annoyed. Yet this sound was like music to her ears.

'Alright I got this. I'm Speed, nothing else.  Speed' She gave herself a few motivational words before she was gonna go fight it. She took a deep breath which calmed her down.

Azusa figure flicked a she moved towards the Oni. An after image was left when she ran at it. Arriving at the Oni instantly and cutting it cleanly on the throat. She smiled happily, Azusa was happy she got her first monster kill. But forgot that she was moving at blinding speeds.


She crashed into the trees which were all broken down by her. Azusa groaned as she got of the floor and dusted herself of the dirt. Her crash didn't break her spirit she was still happy.

' Yess! But I might have overdid it. I thought that it be strong but I guess I was too cautious. ' She thought.

She then heard something from behind her, she darted her eyes at the portal and saw two big onis walking out carrying swords. She frowned at the sight and lowered her head in defeat.

' Why do I have to fight them. I just wanna go watch some football highlights since I slept too early yesterday. Maybe if I do this quickly I'll be able to go watch them. Plus Travis probably recorded them so I can also watch them at his place. Score!!!'
Her frowned face soon turned into a determined look. Azusa got in her stance and stared at the Onis.

' Alright let's go!'



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