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🚧 LGBTQIA+ issues addressed 🚧

I felt light.
My head wasn't pulled by the thickening follicles of hair constantly tugging on my skull.
It was gone.
My head felt light and as I looked in that mirror I knew it was right.
I felt there disappointment.
Their eyes glossing me over staring not through me.
At me.
I was seen but as I held my hair in my hand it reminded me it's not the only thing that weighed me down that needed to be gone.
After that it happened once or twice but gave a thrill.
Mistook for a man.
Called he and they with no doubt in their voice sometimes I remember it for euphoria.
But sometimes it just doesn't bring me joy.
The fluidity and flexibility of what people refer to as 'it' confuses those who know.
But the euphoria gives me a rush like it's some sort of victory.
But for now..
It's gone.

[160 words]

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