10. Happy Caiyi Wei Ying

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"When can we leave Lan Zhan?". He whined to Lan Zhan who nodded, making Wei Ying smile and get up from the bed and went next to Lan Zhan, following the older out of the healer's room and out of the cloud recesses, occasionally jumping and spinning out of excitment for finally being able to go out of cloud recesses. He had been stuck there for quiet some time already after all, after Lan Zhan took him in he hadn't gone out and now that he was, he couldn't help but show his excitment." Lan Zhan, let's go to a good restaurant first, i know a great one, i used to go there all the time with Nie Huaisang". He said, smiling as he recalled one of the many memories that he has of him and his friend.

Watching him smile made Lan Zhan smile too, albeit it was much less visible, he looked happy. Although to most people, they wouldn't even notice the slight change in his facial expression, Wei Ying was the only one who could perfectly read him, he concluded, wich made him happy. He had always kind of had this worry that Wei Ying will not be able to see his real emotions, wich scared him a little as he really did like Wei Ying and he did want a futur with him one day. Although he deducted that it wouldn't be soon as he was still scared to tell him how he actually felt about him.The closer they got to the restaurant, the more exited Wei Ying got." Calm down Wei Ying". Said Lan Zhan, who was getting a little tired of running after Wei Ying." Sorry Lan Zhan, i'm just so exited to be out again". He said as he smiled and turned around, slowing down his pace.

When they got in, Wei Ying waited for Lan Zhan to be next to him so that they can come in together." Where do you want to sit?". Asked Lan Zhan, seeing how exited the younger was. Before he could reply tho, a waiter made his way infront of them, bowing to especially Lan Zhan." Hello young master, thank you for coming". He said politely." Hello, can we sit over there please". Asked Wei Ying as he looked at Lan Zhan to see if he approved, to wich he nodded his head." Yes, of course". Said the young man, who walked over to the table to seat them. He bowed once again before leaving the two to decide what they wanted to eat." Lan Zhan, you have to try this, it is so good". He said to the older showing him the dish.

Knowing that he was never going to tell Wei Ying that he was kind of... Sensitive towards spicy food as he didn't want to disappoint him, he simply nodded, wich made the younger smile." That's great, i'll take the same". After he said that, he lifted his hand to signal to the waiter that they were ready to order." Have you chosen what you will be having?". Asked the waiter politely." Yes we have, we will be having this please". He said as he pointed at the dish." That's a great choice, it's our speciality". He replied as he started walking away." Oh and could i also have emperor's smile pleas". He asked, to wich the waiter responded yes. He turned around and saw Lan Zhan looking at him questinobly." What? We are not in cloud recesses". He said smiling at the fact that Lan Zhan couldn't do anything about it.

They were talking about whatever came to their minds when they noticed the waiter coming with their food." Here you go, i hope you enjoy, we had the head chef do it personally". He said as he handed the two their plates and gave the drink to Wei Ying before smiling and bowing before leaving to go back to his job. Wei Ying started to eat, enjoying the spicyness when he looked up and saw Lan Zhan. He was looking at the food, grabbing his chopsticks with a lot of hesitation." Are you ok Lan Zhan? You look like your about to kill someone". He said as he giggled. Lan Zhan stopped looking at his food and looked up at Wei Ying, not wanting to look like he's about to kill someone but calmed down when he saw Wei Ying's smile, slightly smiling at the younger.

He finally picked up his chopsticks took a small piece from his plate and ate it. At first it felt quite normal, but after a couple of second, he could feel the spicyness and he felt his while face get red because of that." Are you ok? Is it too hot in here?". Asked Wei Ying, a little worried as Lan Zhan's whole face was red. The older could only nod, not daring to open his mouth. He swallowed his food, after wich he tried to as casually as possible proceed to drink his entire glass of water, for wich he was extremely grateful he had thought of getting. Wei Ying laughed internally, realizing that the food was probably very spicy for Lan Zhan but he hadn't said anything until now about that. The older just continued to eat, feeling like his entire existence was on fire, meanwhile Wei Ying kindly ordered more water for the older, wich he happily took.

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