Chapter 18

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*kinda edited.*

Icon's P.O.V

Hey lovelys! Did you miss me? Of course you did. I'm sooo glad that I finally moved into the house ( well, back into the house.)

Kinky and Leena didn't look to pleased to see me, which was expected from Kinky because she's in denial about her feelings toward me, but I have no clue why Leena wasn't so welcome-looking.

Maybe she knows something? No, Leena's too slow.

Speaking of people knowing, the last time you guys heard from me was when I decided to do this whole get-Kinky-to-love-me-back thing solo. Those idiots that I hired were useless anyways. I still can't wrap my head around the fact that one of them almost ran over Kinky.

They probably scare my poor baby.

Well, bye for now. I gotta go unpack my things into my room, which I gladly share with Ab. She doesn't know it, but she is a very important person in my life right now. With her, I'll be able to get to Kinky's good side.

I would tell you more about my plan, but I'm doing this whole thing by myself.

Kinky's P.O.V

Icon's in the house. Icon's in the house. She's actually here. She lives here now.

I couldn't help it; I was frantic. Having Icon in the house now will make everything different. I'm kicking myself because I didn't tell Ab what Icon's intentions are. If Ab gets hurt in any way, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself.

Ab looked like the happiest person on earth when she saw Icon in the kitchen last night. They stayed really late and got to know some stuff about each other.

I hope that Ab didn't tell her too much because Ab's the type to trust someone even if he just met them. I worry about her sometimes.

Today is Angel Sunday, which means we can go anywhere and do whatever we want, in or out of the house, just as long as we're still following Tazs rules.

If we do plan on going anywhere, we have to upload some type of picture to Ig. I posted one with me wearing a Caviar Blaque crop top and hat. More money for me.

Ab and Ash went shopping, Cat and Taz are doing whatever pleases them both and Icon is at home in packing. Me and Leena were currently at the park eating ice cream. I took this as the perfect opportunity to tell Leena that me and Ab planned on leaving.

"So Leena... I have to tell you something important..." Here goes nothing,

"What's been on your mind Kinky." She said in the happy Leena voice she always talks in.

"Um, I don't know how you'll take this but I'm just gonna tell you anyways," I took a long deep breath, "When we're finished the Europe tour, me and Ab plan on moving out."

I looked up at Leena expecting to see a look of sadness or hurt, but she was smiling.

"You make it sound so serious!" She laughed, "I'm not mad at you Kinky. I know how hard it must of been for you because you didn't want to let me down. Plus, Ab told me already."

"I'm so glad your not mad-- WHAT! She told you already?" I can't believe Ab would just tell Leena without even talking to me first.

"Well, she didn't exactly tell me, she kinda blurted it out when she was ranting the other night about you not telling her how your feeling and what not. It just slipped out. Please don't be mad at her." She looked at me with pleading eyes,

"If she finds out that I'm the reason you're mad at her, she's probably never speak to me again..." She looked at the ground.

I sat down beside her, "Leena... I'm not mad. I'm just a little...frustrated that she didn't tell me that you knew. Don't worry, Ab won't find out that I know that you know." We both smiled, "now c'mon, let's head back home cause we need to finish packing for Europe."

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