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A/n: sorry for the lack of updates 😰😰.

500+ reads 🙏







Both Isagi and Hyo looked at each other before back at the black haired with blonde streaks at the end.

"Uh, yes we are." Hyo nodded with a smile.

The boy immediately grinned and grabbed Isagis hand surprising both him and Hyo looked at each other.

"Play soccer with me!" He grinned, his eyes beaming with excitement.

"Eh-" was all Isagi managed to get out due to being startled.

"You are Isagi and Hyo right? The ones who never lost a game?" The boy had asked.

"Yes...that's us." Hyo nodded his head awkwardly.

"So, play soccer with me!" His grin now increasing.

Hyo and Isagi again, shared a glance with each other before Isagi sighed and nodded.

"Sure." Isagi responded, hearing this, the boy squealed with excitement.

"Call me Bachira." He smiled at the both of them.

Bachira continued to jump around and talk about a whole lot of stuff, him and Hyo seemed to get along great, Isagi just listened with a smile.

"Bachira." A voice said rather closely.

The 3 of them turned around to see, Itoshi Rin.

"Ah...Rin?" Bachira tilted his head confused.

Rin and Isagi happened to make eye contact, causing Isagi to scoff slightly and turn his attention back to Hyo who just shrugged.

"Come on, you're holding us up." Rin said looking back at Bachira.

Bachira in response only but poked his tongue out at Rin before turning to Hyo and Isagi waving with a grin.

"Remember, yous have to play soccer with me." Bachira reminded them and ran beside Rin.

Hyo and Isagi waved to Bachira before turning back towards each other.

"What was that look for?" Hyo asked, meaning the tension between him and Rin when they looked at each other.

"No reason." Isagi shrugged and began walking again.

"Oh come on! You can't tell me that's it!" Hyo said clearly interested as he caught back up to Isagi.

"That's it." Isagi nodded.

Hyo sighed softly but then immediately switched up the conversation as Reo had messaged him already, they were about to head home till Reo had asked if him and Isagi would want to tag along with going to an arcade.

"Oh come Isagi! It'll be fun!" Hyo nudged Isagi.

"I wanna go home and die in bed." Isagi yawned.

"Yeah, well, you're gonna come anyways." Hyo smiled and grabbed Isagis hand and began dragging him to come to the arcade.

As soon as they arrived, they saw Reo and Nagi already outside waiting for them, Reo waved immediately when he noticed them, while Nagi was too busy on his phone to even acknowledge their presence.

"We didn't make yous wait too long right?" Hyo asked as he let go of Isagis hand.

"Nah, not at all, not to worry." Reo smiled as he stopped leaning on the wall next to Nagi.

They had all entered inside and peered around at all the games, they all attracted Reo and Hyo's attention, Isagi and Nagis, not so much, and hell, Nagi hadn't even stared up from his phone just yet.

"We should try out that one!" Hyo exclaimed pointing at one of the games.

"Alright!" Reo nodded in agreement.

They all went over to the game, it was a 2 player game, so Reo and Hyo went first and Nagi and Isagi didn't really have choice if they wanted to have a choice or not.

It was a simple shooting game, but whichever duo wins, doesn't have to pay for the food they're going to get after they finish in the arcade. And I'm sure you could guess it.

Isagi and Nagi won by far.








A/n: i didn't even know what to write tbh...

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