The Appearance of Kyonko

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Inside the classroom was blazing hot, it was summer alright. The end of our first term was upon us which means that the oh so loveable brigade chief was drilling me endlessly. Since tests were coming up and all. As long as I do better than Taniguchi I would be fine, but that doesn't satisfy Haruhi.
"You are part of the SOS brigade you most strive to do your absolute best!" Haruhi said.
So, as the rest of my classmates left I was forced to endure Haruhi's study session yet again. The kids on cleaning duty ignored us. Haruhi gave me drill after drill until about 30 minutes later. We then made our way to the club room. Which by this time of year was like a sweat shelter.
"We need an AC!" Explained Haruhi. She looked at me and said, "Kyon go get it."
First of all I didn't even know we had an AC in the first place.
"We got it from our sponsor duh!"
That guy again.
I couldn't do anything but obey our brigade chief's orders. So once again I was slaving away for the sake of the SOS brigade. Oh well, at least an AC is beneficial for all if us. Come to think of it why didn't we get one last year? Seems like a massive over sight to me. I walked through the summer heat, enduring it so I could make it to the shop where our free AC unit was. I remember doing a similar thing on some random day in the rain.
I got the AC unit no problem, but now I would have to carry it all the way back. Why do I have to be the SOS brigade's labor boy? Just then I bummed onto someone in front of me. "Sorry," I said.
It was a girl I bummed into. She was wearing a north high uniform. I felt extra bad now. "I am truly sorry." That should clear my conscience. I began to walk away.
"It's fine. Just watch where you are going next time." Said the girl. I didn't expect her to say something back. She continued, "By the way, what in the hell are you even doing?"
"None of your-"
"Business." She cut me off. I had a strange feeling about this girl. The same strange feeling I get when Haruhi puts me through some dumb adventure.
"Who are you?"
"You probably won't remember my given name. Just call me Kyonko. Although I hate it."
Kyonko? That nickname...sounded just like mine. Now that I looked at her closely she looked kind of like me if I were a girl.

Just who was she? Before I could say anything she left.
I got back to the club room half dead.
"Do you need some tea Kyon?" Said Asahina who was in her maid uniform.
"Thank you." I grabbed the cup and began to drink.
"Took you long enough."Said Haruhi.
"Not even a thank you!" Haruhi looked to ground embarrassed and said, "Thanks, but you still took too long! That's a penalty! Time is precious Kyon!"
Great more money from my pocket. I looked out of the window. Seriously who was that? I looked at the rest of brigade members. Nagato was doing her usual, reading a thick science fiction novel. Asahina and Koizumi were playing GO. That was unusual. Haruhi was typing away on the computer.
"Kyon, had fun with Haruhi?" Asked the smiling Koizumi.
"I have no idea what you are talking about."
"You're little study session."
That, there was nothing really that fun about it. All we were doing was studying. If you could even call it that.

The day ended and I got home. But there was someone already there.
She sprung up to her feet. She looked really irritated.
"What are you doing here?"
"I live here."
What? This was my house and last time I checked I didn't have any family member named Kyonko.
"Are you my neighbor or something?"
"No. This is my house."
I didn't known what to think. She lives here? At my house? That's just impossible!
"If this is your house then just go in." I said half serious.
"I can't."
What does that even mean? You can't go into your own house? Of course this was actually my house.
"How about I go in with you?"
"I don't really see how that's supposed to help."
Don't get snippy with me missy.
We walked in my house together.
"Mom, I have a visitor!"
No response. I walked into the kitchen. There was a note on the table:
Your sister was sick so I took her to the clinic. Might take a while.
Isn't that great!
"Looks like no one is home."
She looked upset about something. Seriously am I cursed to deal with melancholic girls all the time!
"You said this was your house right? What did you mean by that. I mean this has been my house for years."
"Well I thought it was my house I guess I was wrong. Anyways will you let me stay here?"
My reaction was very reasonable. I mean not only did I just met her today. She was also a girl and I was guy. Not to mention what mom would say. No, my mom wasn't the issue, what would Haruhi do to me if she found out was the real problem. The risks were too high.
She looked dejected. Don't do that!
"Didn't take much time at all."
"*sigh* Why can't you stay at your place anyways?"
I could tell she didn't want to talk about it.
"Nevermind, it's not that important."
The real question was where does she stay.
"I can just stay in your room."
"No no no! Absolutely not."
"I'm not going to seduce your anything. It's just you don't want your mom to find out right? So it's the best bet."
She was right.
"Fine. No funny business."
This wouldn't be the first time I had a girl in my room. But it would be the first time a girl stayed over at my place.
We marched to my room. She hesitantly came in.
"Sorry for intruding."
"It's a little late for that don't you think."
"Don't get snippy with me mister!"
That comeback was unexpected.
"Oh that's right you don't know my name do you?"
I introduced myself to her. She had a shocked look on her face.
"That name is similar to mine. Let me guess your sister and friends call you Kyon."
How would she know something like that. Her nickname Kyonko was similar to mine. She said this was her house and she has an appearance similar to my own. Just who was she?

It was after dinner and I climbed up the stairs. I brought a snack for Kyonko who was sitting on my bed. Just where am I going to sleep?
"We can just sleep on the bed."
"What do you mean we. I am not sharing my bed with some random girl I don't know."
"But if you sleep on the floor your family will ask questions."
"Man you are a pain in the ass."
"Yeah I know." She looked really sad about that. Perhaps I said something I shouldn't have.
We then went to sleep on the same bed. Of course I couldn't sleep at all. Kyonko though went to sleep quickly.

It was morning and let me tell you how much "fun" it was to sneak Kyonko out of the house. We walked side by side. The hill was brutal, but it was a little with Kyonko and my small talk.
"Kyon! Good morn-"
Oh great it was Taniguchi.
"Who is this?"
"Can you please not bother us. I don't want to be infected with your stupidity first thing in the morning."
Damn! That was one hell of a retort Kyonko. But I will say that was a little harsh.
Taniguchi couldn't say anything. Kyonko and I continued our way up the hill without Taniguchi. I looked back at him telling him sorry. We made it to the shoe locker where I switched into my school slippers. I looked Kyonko who was still glued to me. It was only now that I realized that she was wearing her school slippers. Did she not change out of them yesterday?
Kyonko followed me to the classroom like a shadow. "Shouldn't you be heading to class?" I asked irritated.
"My class is in this direction."
I had a very bad feeling about this. We walked into my classroom and both tried to sit in the same seat. You have got to be kidding me.
"You can go to your classroom now."
"This is my classroom."
What the hell? Just who is she? Just then Haruhi came in. She looked very delighted, which could only mean that she had came up with some new scheme for the SOS brigade. Great. More work for me.
"What are you doing you idiot? Just hurry up and sit down."
"I would if well..."
I pointed at Kyonko who looked just as irritated as I was.
"Who the hell is that?!"
Haruhi's reaction was understandable. How was I going to explain this. Oh she is just so girl I ran into yesterday. There is no way Haruhi would believe that. So I came up with a sort of lie instead.
"This is well... she is my... cousin. Her name is Kyonko. She just transferred here so she is glued to me right now. Right?" I looked at Kyonko who nodded in agreement playing along with my obvious lie.
"Cousin huh? Now that I look at you two, I see the resemblance. Kyonko... is that Kyon get's his nickname from?"
"Yeah something like that." I said scratching the back of my head.
"She is Kyon's cousin who just transferred here. Say do you want to join the SOS brigade!"
"What in the hell is an SOS brigade?"
"Believe me you are better off not knowing." I said.
"Anyways! You show some mysterious potential Kyonko!"
Kyonko looked utterly confused. I didn't blame her though. I grabbed Kyonko by the arm and said, "Would you excuse us for a bit Haruhi?"
I dragged Kyonko of the classroom. "Who are you?" I asked her.
"I am Kyonko."
"No really who are you?"
"You wouldn't believe me even if I told you."
I help but laugh at her comment. I mean she was talking to a guy who met a time traveler, esper, and alien. I have been through many strange experiences before. So for her to say I wouldn't believe what you would say to me, was quite interesting and hilarious. I stared at her face trying to gauge her expression, she seemed very irritated; as per usual.
"Go head, and tell me I am all ears."
To be 100% honest, I really didn't care where she was from, but she's been a pain in my rear for the past day or so. So I figured it wouldn't hurt to know who she really was. The way she appeared out of nowhere, made me think that this was possibly Haruhi's doing.
"Fine I'll tell you, man...I really don't want to go through the trouble but what the hell."
Seriously the way she talks starting to freak me out, she sounds a lot like me!
" I don't know if you truly believe me or not, but I'm from another world..."
So she's a slider then?
" I don't really remember how I got here. All I remember is waking up and meeting you. Everything was all out of whack, I'm starting to piss me off actually, um...sorry about that. I'm truly sorry I know guys don't really like the way I talk. Anyways, as I investigated my surroundings more I realized that this wasn't my world. It was similar, but some things were different. For instance your girlfriend over there."
"Yeah Suzumiya. She is your girlfriend right?"
" Oh I just thought that you two were dating. Anyways, Suzumiya, wasn't in my class, but in this world she is."
So, this girl is from another world. Presumingly she is my counterpart within that world. So what do I do if I know? I could continue saying she's my cousin, but it could lead into some issues.
"Kyon, Times up!"
Haruhi popped out of the classroom.
"Just go to the the literary Club room

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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