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You sat at the island table in you kitchen, furiously stabbing at your pasta. "More overtime today... And it's not even soul collection! It's paperwork!" Getting up, you finished the Italian food and got dressed into "boring, office" clothes that you only wore when you stayed in the office. Being one of the women who actually worked out in the Human realm, you didn't usually wear skirts and dresses.

The "office" clothes consisted of a black and white short-sleeved dress, white being the bottom and black the top. Your shoes were black, shiny and the heels weren't very tall. And of course, silver, oval rimmed glasses.

You quietly swore to yourself as you walked to the work building, only a few blocks away from your apartment. "Why didn't he pick the frigging lawn mower show-off to pick on instead of me... Why not Grell... Why not pick another frigging subordinate to pick on..." You pushed the door open and walked into the grey building. "Why didn't he-"

"Oi, _____! What're you doin' here?" You spun around on the toes of your shoes to come face-to-face with a co-worker, Ronald Knox.

"Oh, hey. Shouldn't you be out?"

"Nope, Will-senpai assigned me overtime. In the office." He slouched and sighed, straightening his back after. "Anyways, back to my question. What're you doing here?"

"Overtime." The two of you walked to the elevator, and Ronald pressed one of the buttons so it would go to the General Affairs department. "I thought you don't get overtime, Ronald."

"I don't. I guess Will-sempai just wanted to pick on me for a change." You got out with Ronald and walked to the individual offices. Your jaw dropped at how much paperwork was stacked on your desk. There were two stacks, each stack around one meter tall.

"Great... I have to do this much in one day...?" You walked behind the desk and sat down on the swivel chair. "Okay, extra staples in the bottom right drawer, ink pad at the top right drawer." You pulled the ink pad out with the stamp and the stapler sat at the side of the table. "Time to get started."


You finished around three quarters of the first stack before lunch, and three more quarters after. 

"Huh? What's this?" A light brown folder was in the middle of the half stack you had left, and you pulled it out without anything falling down. Success! It was labeled in cursive writing: William T. Spears. You hesitated to open it, but did just in case you should return it to your boss. There were a few notes in messy writing you couldn't read, and one in cursive writing, something you could read.

"Hello friend,

   My writing has been a little messy in the last few notes, hasn't it? I'm sorry, I was in quite a rush. I thought

I would be late for work, and I only see her at the start of the day and at the end, rarely at any other time. If

I weren't to see her... Well, I'd be quite upset. I can't write to to you after work, and absolutely not during the

work day, I would get too caught up in these letters. I'm thankful that today I have a day off today so I can write

these properly. Thank you for reading these letters, and thank you for listening to my previous letters.

   In a few days I'll be telling her she has overtime, but at the end of the day I'll tell her how I feel. I hope that's a good plan.

                                                                                                                                                                -William T. Spears"

You stuffed the "letters" into their folder and clutched it in your arms. You giggled to yourself, wondering who this "she" or "her" could be. There were hardly any girls in your department, not like in every other department.

"Who could it be? Maybe I should ask Ronald...nah, he'd spread the news to everyone in the building. I'll just bring these back to William and say I didn't open the folder or read anything." You got up and left the small office, stepping into the elevator.

"You'll be doing overtime tomorrow."

"What? Why?"

"There's plenty of paperwork to be done here, unlike soul collection out there, there are plenty of other Reapers who'll collect souls. You can stay in the building tomorrow."

"But William, tomorrow's my day off..."

"You'll be staying inside the entire day, it's the same as staying at home."

"I was planning to go outside..."

"It's fine. Just... Be here tomorrow. Please."

"He did seem a little desperate, didn't he... He did beg. Sort of." The elevator doors opened, and you stepped out, the light refection off the white walls being more than your eyes could handle at the time, as the walls on your floor were duller than the blank white. William's office at the end of wall had a grey painted door and a small glass window. You had been there to submit reports and files, but nothing like the letters you'd found earlier.

"(Y/N)." A hand was placed on your shoulder and you stopped in your tracks. "Aren't you supposed to be working on your floor?" William...?

"Uh, I came to deliver this folder to you." He took his hand off and walked in front of you.

"Let's just finish this in my office, shall we?" You nodded and followed him to the grey painted room at the end of the hall.

You closed the door behind you and stood in front of the desk, and examined the folder. "I didn't look through it, I wouldn't want to-"

"You did look through it. The letters are in a different order than the order I placed them in." William looked up and caught your guilty stare at the papers for just a minute, and you turned away. "You did look through these, didn't you?" You kept avoiding his cold gaze. He walked from his seat and stuck his face right in front of yours. "Lying won't help you in this situation."

You kept your jaw closed tightly until his nose almost touched yours. "FINE! I LOOKED THROUGH THE FREAKING FOLDER!" He had a shocked look on his face (because you screamed right in his face, obviously), but in truth, was relieved.

"Good. Now I don't have to tell you."

"Tell me wha-" His lips crashed onto yours only momentarily, before again parting.

"I love you, (Y/N)."

Letters (William T. Spears X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now