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As it's common for these sexy ass kpop niggas y'all gas up to bring nun to the table, discovering that Jiwoong can't fuckin relate was a pleasant surprise. Sexy as all hell while bein able to dance his ass off and having a very nice voice on him to boot like he's got me wrapped around his finger tbh. He's got a lot goin for him internally as well like I agree with this twt user that said that they found it cool how he was very open about being a BL actor while talking about his acting career to the Boys Planet judges cuz that part of his acting career will never be worth hiding like it holds as much value as the straight male character roles he took on. He's such a cool guy like I'm looking forward to checking out the two vampire series he stars in where he plays the gay male lead. I'll be saving those two series for last, of course, since I'm a huge vampire enthusiast and will watch the regular degular series of him starring as gay male lead first. I've been waiting to discover a guy like him cuz Seungyeon is only worthy of being with someone as sexy and as big a bad bitch as her. He's not the only Boys Planet contestant who ended up really impressing me, though. Sung Hanbin and Zhang Hao are other contestants who had me by my throat as I watched their auditions and performances. Lol it's kinda funny that a Hanbin on i-land and a Hanbin on Boys Planet ended up catching my eye. What's very refreshing about Hanbin is his dance style. You won't have much trouble coming across female idols with waacking as their dance foundation but the kpop industry enforcing traditional masculinity is why before I checked Hanbin out in full a few days ago, I had already made up my mind awhile prior to give him the time of day should he make it into the final lineup as it's pretty fuckin' cool to see a dance style not pegged as traditionally masculine be embraced by a male idol. And like, Hanbin is like very fuckin' good at waacking like he's literally won multiple waacking competitions and I was in awe of him when he showed off his skills against that nasty ass bitch Lip J. I want Hanbin to continue making it clear throughout his time as a zerobaseone member that he has a great love for waacking because then, maybe these damn companies won't feel like forcing traditional masculinity on these male idols is the only way to keep female fans loyal and invested. He's such an impressive, talented, likable guy, though, with him being from a small company being the cherry on top and why I'm so glad that he's as popular as he is. Zhang Hao is just as impressive as Hanbin and what tickles me pink is the fact that the Boys Planet contestant I peeped had gotten himself in a "heterophobia" scandal turned out to be him like lmao Zhang Hao is such a funny guy. He 100% earned his number one spot and nun these xenophobic ass hoes say will change a damn thing about it. The other contestants simply weren't as sickening as Zhang Hao and so ranked beneath him so you niggas wastin y'all's time bein hateful and xenophobic unprovoked. Like he an accomplished violinist, a literal fuckin certified music teacher, an excellent dancer, an excellent vocalist, got a likable, charming personality like he was simply destined to take the number one spot. He's dealing with some shit he don't deserve right now, unfortunately, which is why I'm glad he made a genuine best friend out of Hanbin and has him to lean on right now. Outing someone will always be some real bottom of the barrel, unforgivable ass shit like I hate that shit isn't about to get any easier for him as occupant of the number one spot. I'm absolutely in his corner, though, like I just know him, Hanbin, and Jiwoong are about to really show out in zerobaseone.


For all the intelligence Jiwoong possesses, he can be a real scatterbrain, Seungyeon able to see clearly from her spot at a neighboring table that nothing but Go is on her boyfriend's mind. The women throughout the restaurant eyeing her boyfriend doesn't surprise her, two years of dating Jiwoong having made her used to catching the many lingering gazes of desire when alongside the man in public. When he raises his head and they make eye contact, 'Oh, what brings you here?' being practically written across his forehead makes her roll her eyes, Seungyeon's gaze flat as she crosses her arms. His mouth suddenly falls open, the man slapping his forehead, his mouth moving furiously as he apologizes to the old man acting as his opponent before getting up to meet her at the table she's sitting at.

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