32. I miss you, I'm sorry

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Jamie's pov

I feel terrible It's two am right now and I'm laying in bed I keep looking back at all the photos and videos of Athena, fuck all I want is her right now all I've ever wanted is her so why am I doing this.

I know I shouldn't be thinking that since I have a "girlfriend" I don't know when we ever actually became a thing I never asked her to be my girlfriend thena is the only thing in my head right now I can't help but to feel all of this sadness I don't want to kick her out I never wanted to, that was all avery she forced me to I want her to stay but I shouldn't have let her push me around if I did Athena would be the one in my bed now Avery.

Avery won't let me out of her sight I can't talk to her I can't mention her, she even got mad at Britain and the whole group because we were all hanging out and he said thena texted him and he missed her then everyone agreed when we got home she raged and said that they shouldn't miss her and that since she's there they won't need Athena anymore, she will never be thena.

I sneak out of the bed to go outside and try to call thena

What do you want

Sorry did I wake you

Nevermind that why
are you calling me

I just wanted to say-

I get stopped from talking when I hear the door open I take a cigarette out of my pocket
"What are you doing" Avery stands with the door open "Just had a smoke" I say putting out the cigarette on the ground and ending the call "At two am?" she looks at me up and down weirdly "Yeah I couldn't sleep" she told her eyes at me "Okay come back to bed now"
I reluctantly go I wanted to check up on thena but It didn't sound like she wanted to hear from me anyway so maybe it's for the best.

Authors note- we see a little glimpse of what Jamie is doing right now Avery isn't the best and she will only get worse from here Athena is over jamies shit she has every right to be mad Jamie isn't living the life either but he needs to man up and they both need to stop being so damn stubborn haha love you all🫡

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