031. versus the unexpected

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versus the unexpected
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╭── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╮ THIRTY ONE!versus the unexpected  ╰── ⋅ ⋅ ── ✩ ── ⋅ ⋅ ──╯

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         The incident with the bomb was still ongoing with the Mech X4 team. Despite proving the innocence of five members, they still had Ryan and Leo left. The group continued to sit at the table to hear everyone's side of the stories and figure out the best course of action. It was now Ryan's turn to prove his innocence.

"I mean......Ryan? What about you? Are you sure your Traeger freak-out didn't come back?" Mark questioned his younger brother.

"What? No.....Uh.....No, it wasn't me!" Ryan quickly denied. "Because I know exactly what I was doing before we played the game."

"Uh, I w......I wanted to do some training exercises before we played. I.....I saw Mark in the hallway." Ryan began re-telling his day.

"You read my text?" Mark questioned in disbelief suddenly. "Not cool." He shook his head.

"After I passed Casa-no-game, I went to train in the control center." Ryan continued.

"Hooked up to the control pad?" Leo pondered, interrupting the boy's story.

"Yeah." Ryan nodded.

"No, you didn't." Leo denied the boy's story. "When I cut the power to the elevator, it also cut the power to the control pad, so that.....is impossible."

"Ryan? Anything you wanna tell us?" Mark asked.

"Yes. I lied." Ryan nervously admitted and everyone stared at him with wide eyes. They couldn't believe what they were hearing.

"You were lying?" Mark inquired. "What are you saying? You planted it?"

"No.....No... I... I wasn't lying about.....About the.....the explosive, I was lying because......because I cheated in the game." Ryan finally revealed.

"I knew it!" Leo exclaimed, a little too amped up, which confused the group. "I mean.....wait.....what? How?" The older male back tracked.

"I was tired of losing and.....and all the trash talking." Ryan admitted. "So....I teched out the dice."

"Ryan? Such a noble leader but it also turns out you are just.....and I hate to go there.....a cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater." Leo exclaimed. "And the worst one in the patch!"

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