neon night

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Hanbin wandered down the coast line to a small lit up restaurant. He felt a little drowsy, but summer break was coming to an end and he wanted to make the best of his late nights before returning to campus. "Hanbin! Over here!" The giddy sound of his best friend Matthew wasn't at all hard to pick apart over the sound of the waves. Hanbin lowered himself to the table infront of the boy after dusting the sand off of his chair. "I'm glad you decided to come! Jiwoong hyung said he'd be here soon."

"And Taerae?" Matthew nodded his head eagerly before waving over the waiter.

"Could we get two corndogs- only cheese- and could you get Ricky from the back uhh," Matthew paused fo read the boy's name tag, "Yujin-ssi." The raven haired boy nodded and went on his way. Hanbin wasn't paying attention as he looked around the place, taking in the calming scenery. The first thing he noticed when he arrived was the blast of color around. Whether or not it was the sheer amount of colorful lights that danced around or the fact a whole wall had been painted a teal blue, it all stuck out.  "I told you that you should come around, it's nice isn't it?"

Hanbin nodded his head absentmindedly as a tall blonde walked up to their table, lazily taking a seat. "Don't you have to work?" Hanbin asked, feeling a little confused.

"Gyuvin is back from being sick today, him and Gunwook have it covered for a bit." The blonde leaned back, snatching one of the corndogs Yujin had set down. "Thank you Yujinie!" The boy smiled back and left to attened another customer. Hanbin simply rolled his eyes at his lost food. "Ah, I almost forgot he was coming today." Hanbin turned his head to the little stage where a boy was setting up a mic stand and tuning a violin.

"Who's he?" Hanbin asked as the very pretty male began to play, and Hanbin was entranced.

"Zhanghao, he's from China as well, that's all we really know about him. He's super secretive. Oh! Hyung!"

Hanbin completely ignored Jiwoong's arrival and Ricky's sudden outburst because of it as Zhanghao started to sing. He felt like he couldn't even move as he listened to the sad song he couldn't even put a name to. He slurred over some of the Korean lyrics, but Hanbin found that all the more enticing. The neons from the fairy lights strung around bounced perfectly off of his skin. Hanbin could go on and on about the small details of his face to the cute shape of his ears.

A nudge knocked him from his day dream and he fought the urge to push the person away. "You're staring, hyung." Taerae's wide smile dispersed all of Hanbin's original anger in a flash.

"I told you that you don't have to call me hyung, we are only a year apart." Hanbin spoke as Taerae settled hinself into the chair next to him. The two flinched as Matthew threw something across the table at Ricky but soon brushed it off. He nearly turned his head back to Zhanghao when Taerae spoke again. "You should talk to him when he's finished." Hanbin nearly shoved him when Taerae gave a suggestive wink.

"I'll think about it." Hanbin was stuck in his trance within seconds as the song reached its final climax. Somewhere along this path of life, Hanbin must have done a really great thing to be blessed in this way. Everything else drowned out around him as he made a sudden eye contact with the mysterious singer. No more sounds from his chaotic friend group, no more waves from the ocean around them, just a melodic voice and two pairs of hands with attractively slim fingers creating a sickeningly bittersweet tune. Hanbin could've jumped headfirst in front of a train before choosing to end this moment with this handsome stranger.

Hanbin didn't look away even when one of the bright pink stage lights shined directly into his eyes. He knew for sure now his awestruck face was illuminated to the singer.

As the song came to an end, the people around clapped and cheered, but Hanbin still couldn't process anything, their eyes still locked on each other. He didn't even realize he was standing, slowly clapping as Zhanghao made his way down from the stage. Before he could think, Taerae had shoved a hand into his back and pushed him towards Zhanghao.

Hanbin sputtered trying to find any words to get out of his mouth. The male only let his lips soothe themselves into a sweet smile. Hanbin thinks that made his flustered state worse though, because how could anyone look so good? "It's okay." The sweet stranger said, slipping a piece of paper into Hanbin's hand. "I had my mind made up to give you this as soon as I saw you." Hanbin glanced down at the paper that contained a series of numbers written down in blue ink. Hanbin swore he just felt his heart flip in his chest as he looked back up.

"You're gorgeous," he cussed himself out in his head thinking that was the only thing he could say. "I mean, you play really well too, and you have a wonderful singing voice-" he was cut off by Zhanghao laughing quietly. "Sorry," Hanbin uttered.

"It's okay, and thank you..?"

"Ah.. Ah! Hanbin, Sung Hanbin." He wiped his free palm on his ripped jeans to rid of any sweat and held it out, Zhanghao stared for a second, before pulling Hanbin in by the extended hand for a short, but endearing, hug. It was brief, but man, Hanbin was over the moon. "It's nice to meet you, oh, how old are you?"

Zhanghao answered with a short, "July 2000, I turned 22 a few days ago."

"I'll be 21 in a few days, should I call you hyung then?" Taerae snorted at the male's hypocrisy from behind him.

Zhanghao shook his head, "no need, Hanbin-ssi. Zhanghao or Hao is fine." Hanbin nodded, a dorky smile decorating his face. "I'll see you again?" Hanbin wasted no time to agree. "Okay then, see you around, Hanbin-ssi."

Zhanghao walked past the dumbfounded male who turned to his friends in astonishment. "Don't let him leave dumbass!" Ricky whisper shouted, gesturing to Zhanghao who had just finished putting away his violin. Hanbin panicked, trailing after him.

"Hao!" He shouted, maybe even a little too loud, "actually, would you um, would you like to hang around with me for a while?" Hanbin fidgeted with his fingers for a moment, waiting on an answer. Zhanghao pulled the strap of his violin case over his shoulder and stuffed his other hand into his pocket.

"Come on then, Binnie." Hanbin felt his face get hot but complied nonetheless, following Zhanghao mindlessly. "I wanted to walk the beach a bit before I go home, is that alright with you?" Hanbin nodded his head, happy to even have a moment of this attractive man's attention. The two walked away from the restaurant slowly, side by side. "Tell me sbout yourself, Binnie."

Hanbin hummed, thinking of the first thing that came to mind, "I attend the university that's a few blocks from here and live on campus. Our summer break ends in a week and a half." Zhanghao smiled, watching the boy talk as the continued on. "What about you Hao?"

"I have an apartment about thirty minutes away from here. College isn't really my thing, so I take up gigs like earlier for a living." Hanbin listened intently, not wanting to miss a single word that spilled from the other's mouth. "It suits you," Hanbin added with a smile, "do you want to pursure a music career?"

Zhanghao looked to be in thought for a moment, stopping his movement. Hanbin stopped walking as well, worried he said the wrong thing. "Should I?" Hanbin giggled a bit in disbelief, he worried for nothing. A sudden rush of confidence flowed through his body as he chose his next words.

"As long as you let me pursue you first, Zhanghao hyung."

Short and sweet for the two very cute boys that were able to make their debut !

I hope ZB1 brings in much success and I would love to see them in concert at least once during their time as a group ~

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