chapter one> the beginning

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 I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock blaring the unpleasant earth-shaking noise that very often makes me want to jump out of bed and attack the stupid thing, I slam my hand down on the top finally stopping it. I don't know why every alarm clock tone has to be so agitating, now I have to wake up every day enraged.

 I open my eyes to darkness, it is only six am, I rise slowly out of bed and turn on the lights revealing my messy yellow room, I hate the color but I'm far too lazy to ever change it myself, my parents painted it when I was three or four.

I grab my makeup bag and head to the bathroom, I like to be the first one up it gives me a good hour before anyone tries to bother me, my mom doesn't clock in until nine, my dad at eight, and my brother Noah is a twelve-year-old boy, what would he even need to do for an hour to get ready for school? shower maybe? god knows he needs it.

 I open the door to the bathroom and flick the lights on and look in the mirror brushing out my chocolate brown hair, I get that from my dad, my little brother has a completion that completely matches our mothers, with golden locks and greyish blue eyes. sometimes I envy them, I'm entirely plain with no striking features that stand out in a crowd, nope brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin I'm practically all the same color.  

 I unzip my makeup bag and pull out my moisturizer, rubbing it in until it's somewhat soaked into my skin, next, I pull out my concealer gliding the applicator across my under eyes. after I blend that in I applied a thin layer of mascara and lip gloss, I take one last look at myself in the mirror before heading back to my room.

 I sluggishly stumble over to my nightstand and turn the nob on the radio stopping anytime I hear anything clearly. "and the lord triumphs over all" an old man says seemingly possessed by the holy spirit. "oh shit" I think before switching from am to fm.

 "the new strain of rabies first recorded in Kiev Russia has now spread to Moscow and Galati Romania, with a total of nineteen cases fifteen of which have resulted in death, scientist and physicians everywhere are baffled by the new virus and say it could very quickly turn into an epidemic if we do not take the necessary precautions to slow the spread of the virus, there are no documented cases in the us yet, we have shut down any unnecessary travel to Russia, Romania, and the surrounding countries if you see any strange behaver we urge you to notify law enforcement immediately"  I switched off the radio after she said that. I sit on the edge of my bed eyes wide with fear, yesterday there was only three cases, how could it have spread so fast? there was a new strain of rabies that specifically targets humans if you catch it you're dead within hours but the strange part is after you die your body keeps moving, trying to spread the virus. hopefully, they shut travel down in time. my parents especially my mother keep telling me that everything is going to be fine and yesterday I believed them but today I'm not so sure, I'm probably just being paranoid.

 I decided not to listen to the radio, it was too stressful, I can worry about that later.

 I really don't think anything will come of it, all the people that have it will die and that will probably be the end of it, right? at least that's what my mom thinks.

 I snap myself out of my thoughts and walk over to my closet to pick out what I'm going to wear, I almost always dress pretty basic, mostly neutrals, grey, white, beige, for shirts and jeans for bottoms. I grab a gray tank top and a black zip-up sweatshirt from my closet before opening my dresser and picking up the first pair of jeans I see, not even bothering to take a closer look.

after I'm dressed I take a glance at the mirror before heading downstairs, I've been hearing shuffling for the past twenty or so minutes.

 I walk downstairs and am met with my mom fully dressed and ready for work sitting on the small bench we have placed next to the front door.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2023 ⏰

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