Once upon a time...

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Once upon a time, far, far, far away in the beautiful Kingdom of Daimon the sun was rising from behind two hills. It was going to be a beautiful spring morning. A kingdom grew in a valley beyond the river next to the forest. Filled with happiness and goodness, in the center of the city, a castle stood with three towers in it. It was there that our story begins. 

The morning breeze opened the window to Princesses Liliana's bedroom. She felt the cold breeze on her cheek and opened her big blue eyes. 
"It's morning already." She said happily as she stretched and sat up. Two Blue Jays flew into her bedroom and sang their morning song.  Liliana listened to them and hummed the melody. 
"♪ When the morning starts, and the birds wake up. I open my eyes, to, be, here!♪" She began to sing while getting dressed.
"♪ I am blessed, to be here, and allow others to feel how amazing it is to be alive!"
She let her long blond hair out of the braids, her hair became curly from the whole night in braids. Liliana put on her pink dress and run out of the room still singing. 
"♪ Round these halls people speak, bout a war and other awful things...! But I run to be free, not to hear these morbid things." She sang while running through the castle halls. She did not care that people were working around her, she just passes them, people she passed would bow their heads as a sign of respect as she was a princess. 
"♪ When the morning starts! And the birds wake up, you can feel the world come alive!" She burst out into the courtyard where an old oak stood. She ran to it, spinning around and singing.
" ♪ In this beautiful world...in this beautiful time, it is a bliss to be....A.....LIVE!" She held the tree as she was finishing her final tune of the song. 
"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" She was taken away from her musical number. She looked at the squiers who were in the middle of training. Among them was a blond-haired boy who she just hated. 
"Loyd your ruing my morning...!" She yelled in anger. 
"Really? Our morning started two hours ago and now you get here singing your ass off!" He commented while putting his sword back. 
"You're just jealous that you can't be this artistic and talented." She said standing straight and lifting her head a bit higher. Loyd laughed. 
"Jealous? God! You are as much of a singer as I am a dragon. Do you know what they have in common? There are both in your head!" He said looking at her. 
"Your a pig at best! An arrogant and filthy PIG!" She yelled back to him with tears in her eyes. 
"Royal Highnesses!" They heard their teacher's angry voice. They stood up straight and worried. Teacher Agnes took care of the royal Highness's education from birth almost. She was also their father's teacher. She was strict and filled their hearts with fear.  
"Is that the way to behave? Prince Loyd is that a behavior of a prince? Swearing to your younger sister?" She asked angry. Loyed looked at his feet sad 
"No. I'm sorry it wasn't a way of a Prince." He said. 
"And Princess Liliana is this the way to speak as a lady?" She asked looking at the girl. 
"I'm sorry..." She said looking annoyed. 
"You're the future of the Diamond Kingdom. I do not wish for you to speak in such a way."
"I rather have her speak than sing," Loyd said under his nose. 
"I sing what I feel! You wouldn't understand because you don't feel anything!" She yelled to him thinking she finally got him. 
"Oh, I do feel...I feel a lot. Like that this song was shit. I can sing about that." He took a deep breath. 
" ♪I feel like your song is shit! And you should go and stop singing!" He sang his words making the princess even angrier. She grabbed a rock and threw it at her brother. Loyd only laughed and began running away from her as she ran after him yelling at him.

From the tower, the whole situation was spotted by Adrian. He watched how the two highnesses chased each other and yelled. 
"There are acting like children..." He said as he walked away from the window. 
"They are siblings they will always act like this." a man in the corner commented. 
"They are spoiled. They don't have any responsibility. She has her head in the clouds while he is so stuck up he doesn't see his own faults." Adrian picked up a training sword. 
"Watch your mouth boy. You might be betrothed to the princess but that doesn't allow  you to speak such things about them." The man got angry and took a fighting position. 
"Come on Vlad, you know better than me how they are." 
"I might know but that doesn't give me a right to say it."  He replied before attacking the boy. 
The training went on for another hour, Adrian walked out with his hair soaking wet. Vlad was a good head taller than him which allowed him to stroke the boy's raven hair. 
"For a Ruby Prince, you're quite good." 
"I have spent more of my life here than in the Ruby Kingdom. I don't really know how I should behave." He said looking at his hair which was falling into his eyes. 
"I sometimes feel like my skin and clothes are the only things making me a Rubinen." He finished as Vlad escorted him to his room. 
"There's much more to you. Really. The way you talk and walk. You are smart but not Diamond kind of smart rather than that you think with logic and prefer books." Vlad said stopping at his door. 
"I will see you next week." He said bowing his head. The feeling of sadness came upon the boy. 
"I guess since the wedding is tomorrow my training will be on hold." He said feeling sad. 
"You two will make a perfect match, with that the Kingdom of Diamonds and Ruby will be connected by marriage and hopefully soon by blood," Vlad said to the boy as he entered his chamber. 
"WUS ALUUSHARA NUTOS AMA NUXUS ..." The boy spoke in the tongue of the gods which translated to, with the crown comes the responsibility of a king. He walked to his closet and chose clothing for the day. Adrian's closet was filled with earthly-toned clothes. Most of the Dimond kingdom preferred dark colors blacks, grays, and reds, since their flag was in those shades. The boy clothed himself in a brown tunic and cream trousers. His look had in mind that he needs not to look threatening. Once ready he walked out of the room and headed to the library where he could hide. He headed down through the halls, even though he lived here most of his life people in the castle still treated him like a stranger. Avoiding his gaze or ignoring him altogether.
He walked into the courtyard where as luck would have it the highnesses were still arguing. Adrian didn't want to be seen, he didn't need to be involved with their problems and petty fights. He tried to walk around them but he was spotted by their teacher almost right away. 
"Prince Adrian! I thought you still had training with Sir Vlad. What bring's you here?" She asked while bowing her head. Adrain stopped mide walk and turned on his heel. He bowed right away. 
"Your Highnesses." He said before answering the teacher. 
"I'm heading to the library. I was actually done with my training for today..." He was not able to finish when he heard Loyd chuckle. 
"Is there something wrong my Prince?" He asked while grinding his teeth. Loyd bowed his head in an apologetic manner but didn't really mean it. 
"I'm sorry but it has always been bizarre to me why you stopped training with us. I guess we aren't good enough for you." He said mocking the boy. 
"I'm afraid that you wouldn't be able to help me with my training...how to say this nicely...a farmer doesn't ask a pig how to cook it."  He said with a smile. 
"What are you implying?" Loyd asked trying not to show his anger, but his grip on the sward got tighter. 
"Why would I ask someone who just looks like a knight to fight when I can ask a real Knight like Sir Vlad to train? I promised my sister to become a great warrior and I tend to keep that.  Unlike you when I commit to something I put my whole heart into it and do not quit  in the middle of the night." Adrian answered with a smirk, he wanted to see a reaction from the Prince. 
They stood for a solid minute in silence before Liliana walked to Adrian and grabbed his arm.
"May I assist you to the Libary? I wish to read some poetry." She said as they both turned and walked away from the prince. 
Loyd's blood boiled.
"Again!" He yelled and turned to his trainees and tried to get all that anger away. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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