Romance Result 2

35 7 20

Dear writer,
I want you to know that, you are very talented and creative, the way you are. If you get a negative comment on your book, I urge you not to get offended. Instead, work it out with your novel and make sure it's best, among the rest. Although, there's no perfect. Try to make your work(s) as perfect as you can. Good luck, romance participants!

1. Clinch Providence by son_abishar

Title: 7/10
Cover: 7/10
Description: 9/10
Grammar: 9/10
Setting: 9/10
Plot: 9/10
Character Development: 9/10
Overall enjoyment: 9/10
Is the participant a follower? : Yes- 20/20
Total: 88 /100
Position: 3rd
Review: In a country like Egypt, it is uncommon to find families who chooses husbands for their daughters, but it also happens. And finding a story with this theme and storyline is rare, unlike other romance novels.

First, the book title is a catchy one. It attracts the reader to it even before knowing what genre it is, or what the book is all about. 'Clinch Providence' to me, sounds mysterious, more of mystery thriller. Something related to hate, anger and vengeance.

The red and black, and the hand with a knife on the book cover fits the story title. The book cover is awesome, but I feel the fonts are blur and needs some adjustments. Or maybe your book deserves a better book cover. Something more awesome.

Your description gave a sharp hook, I had to read it twice and I love the fact that it serves its purpose. Excellent!
I suggest that you take away the "@Son_abishar,
Hi..." Part away. Instead, use ©Copyright2022.

However, your character was multi-dimensional. This means Faime was a character who had depth and who seems to learn or grow. The only thing I noticed was that most of the sentences didn't end with a full stop, comma, exclamation or question mark. I hope you put this into consideration as you edit your book.

And this sentence in chapter 1.

"Was their a man you ever found ugly?"

Add a question mark to this.

In chapter 2, Bold Faime's POV and italics Cairo-Egypt

Double quotation like, why did he leave her?? Should be corrected. Instead, use one question mark. Avoid using two punctuation marks together except if it's going to have a quotation mark. E.g, "Stop there!"

Lastly, I noticed only one or two punctuation mistakes. Try to do a self-editing and find more beta readers to review your work. I suggest go through your work during your spare time or at night before you retire to bed. Your use of English and grammar was top-notched. It was an amazing read so far, keep the ball rolling. I also love the part when Faime got married to a guy like Zaheer Ahmad.

2. The Miracle Of A Teenager Us by

Title: 7/10
Cover: 7/10
Description: 8/10
Grammar: 7/10
Setting: 6/10
Plot: 8/10
Character Development: 8/10
Overall enjoyment:7/10
Is the participant a follower? : Yes- 20/20
Total: 78/100
Position: 5th
Review: The title is totally for this book though, I haven't read so much yet. The title clearly indicates the seperatuon between the characters. The cover is just so.... Insightful! I love it. Your description is also an intriguing one. When I looked it up, I was tempted to read the book a second time. Lol! For the grammar, there is just a subtle mistakes here and there. It can be adjusted with a little editing. You did a great job, taking us into the phenomenal world of the characters intensely with very descriptive sentences and interesting dialogues.

Moving to the plot, I was more curious to know where the story was heading. It made me glued to the edge of my seat and the story flows smoothly from one chapter to chapter without losing any of its irradiance.

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