You're My Number One

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Nayeon was, excuse her language, fucking exhausted. She had been up since 5am, rushing from one schedule to another all day with barely any time to eat a proper meal. And if she was this tired, she could only imagine how tired her poor manager was after their hectic day.

"Be safe going home unnie. Rest well," Nayeon said as she exited the car. She drug herself to the elevator and tiredly greeted the night guard. One short ride later, in which she fought not to fall asleep standing up, she slowly made her way to their dorm and entered.

The smell of something delicious hit her as soon as she walked in, reminding her that her last meal had been hours ago. But her exhaustion was currently winning the battle over her growling stomach.

Nayeon made her way to the living room and wasn't surprised to see Sana and Momo still up. They were preparing to do a late night live for their fans.

"Unnie, are you okay? You look tired," Sana said with worry.

"I'm exhausted Sana," Nayeon said, stifling a yawn.

"We saved you some pork belly and fried rice," Momo said. "Do you want me to heat it up for you so you can go change?"

"Thanks Momoring, but I'm too tired to eat. I just want to sleep."

"Alright then good night. Rest well."

"Sweet dreams unnie," Sana called as Nayeon shuffled down the hall to her room.

They had come a long way since their debut, upgrading their tiny dorm to a luxury penthouse with four bedrooms, two master baths plus a regular bathroom, a kitchen big enough for all of them to fit in at once, and lots of other amenities. When they moved, they had switched up the room assignments too.

Jihyo, Sana, and Mina shared one of the master bedrooms. The trio got along well despite Sana's tendency to fill their room with numerous bags from her shopping excursions. Nayeon shared the other master bedroom with the two youngest members and loved it. Chaeyoung and Tzuyu were her babies and she never missed an opportunity to spoil them.

Momo and Dahyun took one of the smaller rooms. They had been the first of the group to claim a spot in their new dorm. All the members teased them to no end, knowing exactly why the two wanted to room together. The couple had never made anything official, but they never denied it either.

That just left Jeongyeon. The most introverted member of Twice had chosen to take the other smaller room. No one had complained that Jeongyeon had a room all to herself; they knew her moods better than anyone and that she needed alone time every now and then to recover her energy. So they were more than happy to let her have it, especially Nayeon.

Nayeon quietly slipped into her shared room, being careful not to make any noise. She checked on her two favorite maknaes and they were both sound asleep. Seeing them both peacefully sleeping made Nayeon smile. She then changed into her favorite pajamas and did a quick face wash to remove the rest of her makeup, opting to take a proper shower in the morning since she only had a late afternoon schedule tomorrow.

Nayeon took one last look at her roommates before leaving and made her way to Jeongyeon's room. It was just after 11pm and she wondered if the younger woman was still awake; Jeongyeon could sometimes be a night owl.

Not bothering to knock, she opened the door slowly and slipped inside. The bedside lamp was still on and Nayeon smiled, knowing Jeongyeon had left it on for her. She kicked off her slippers and crawled into the bed, sighing contentedly as her body sunk into the mattress.

Jeongyeon didn't stir, continuing to sleep peacefully. Nayeon turned her head and watched the younger woman. Her long silver blonde hair was covering half of her face so Nayeon reached out to brush it back. She let her fingers linger against Jeongyeon's face, softly tracing the contour of her jawline.

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