Your Soul, For Me? An Adommy story

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The distress in Adam's voice made me want to cry. His hand tightened around mine.

"I'm sorry Mr. Lambert."

His face fell,

"It was a cold! A fucking cold! How is this possible?"

I stood up and put my arm around his shoulder. I looked at the doctor, pleading with my eyes for some sort of hope. He looked as sad as Adam.

"I'm so sorry. It wasn't just a cold. You were very sick."

A tear slipped down Adam'a face,

"Please, tell me this is some sort of joke. Tell me I'll be able to sing again. Please."

Adam looked so dejected I felt tears slip out of my own eyes. My baby boy lost his voice. He could never sing again and it was his passion.

The doctor opened his mouth but shut it again before walking out the door, sparing us a sad glance as he exited. Adam lost it.

"It's okay Adam, I've got you."

He held on to me like I was about to disappear.

"Tommy," he sobbed, "my voice Tommy. My.."

"Shh now, I've got you."

He cried into my shirt until it was soaked through not that I could give a damn about my shirt.


Adam only paused the tour, he refused to cancel it. He swore he was going to get his voice back.

I supported him the best I could, what else could I do?

I woke up one morning an heard a weird noise coming from the bathroom. I went over and investigated. I opened the door to see Adam trying to sing. I felt like my heart was being ripped out. He was trying so hard, I could see the determination on his face but I could also see that he knew it was terrible.

He started to scream and cry he got so frustrated. I rushed in and held him tight. There has to be some way, there must be something. We sank to the floor and sat there until he had cried out all the tears.


It was late, the band kept rehearsing just in case. My poor Adam. I felt so awful. I saw him pulling away and falling apart. He had lost so much confidence and it killed me. He was so afraid.

"Evening Mr. Ratliff."

I nearly jumped out of my skin. I spun around to see a man that was about my height, small, skinny, with dark brown hair, and one startling feature, bright red irises.

"The hell are you?"

He smirked, "You're getting warm Mr. Ratliff."

"How do you know my name? Who are you?"

The guy smiled again, "I am a friend."

I huffed, disbelief clear in my gesture. The guy didn't seem put off at all.

"Whatever man."

I turned and started to walk away,

"What of I told you I could give your precious Adam his voice back?"

I stopped dead in my tracks and turned back to the man,


"That's the spirit."

I looked the guy over again, he had a weird vibe about him. It kept me on my toes, like I needed to be very alert.

"My name is Damian."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2013 ⏰

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