the thief

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"My crown! She's got my crown! Stop! Thief! She's stolen my crown! Yelled Twilight  as Twilight chased after the thief as the crown went though the mirror.   meanwhile This place is a rip-off." Jen groaned. Her grandpa had fix a tire so she and Gwen decided go to the arcade for a awhile

"I know. And the games stink too." Jen turned to find a dark-haired boy leaning against one of the machines. He was wearing some torn-up stuff, and had a padlock for a necklace. Cool.

"Yeah, but not as bad as his breath. What does he do, gargle sewer water every morning?" The kid laughed at that before walking over to her.

"You're pretty funny, kid. Let me do you a favour." He placed his hand against the game, and blue sparks arced from his hand. The machine spat out a butt-load of tokens.

"Whoa." Jen said, impressed. "How'd you do that?"

"It's a special talent." She started scooping up some tokens by the handful.
"Cool" she said with stars in her eyes.  sweet says the boy but my parents kicked me out Name's Kevin." He replied. "Jen's a nice name though."

" So, you wanna play some air hockey?"

"Nah. I'll catch you later. Got things to do." And he walked off.

"I don't trust him  said Gewn   "ok  but he's not a dweeb like other boys there aways asking me out". " Fine  said Gewn Rolling her eyes when jen had her  mine on someone there's no way to change her mind. He's Suspicions   she said to herself

"He seemed fine to me." They were interrupted as two taller, older boys pushed roughly past them. They saw two more boys corner Kevin at the other end of the arcade.

"Long time no see." One of them said, dressed like a skinhead.

"Where you going, freak?" A blue Mohawk kid asked. "Home to recharge your batteries?" Jen just couldn't stand by and let the this hottest boy  she ever seen kid ever get beaten up.

"Need some help?" She asked. The four bullies took one look at her and started laughing.

"He's gonna need a lot more than you, shrimp." Skinhead said, giving her a solid push. "Now beat it." As they tried to hit Kevin but jen blocked the attack Not bad, for a girl." The blue Mohawk boy said, smirking.

Jen got a tick on her forehead and her eye twitched. "What did you say to me?" She asked quietly.

"I said, not bad, for a weak little girl anyways!" He taunted, smirking.

"Oh crap." Gwen muttered, face palming.

"Oh... isn't that nice of you to say." Jen said, before she smiled sweetly and clenched her fist tightly. She slammed it into his jaw and flew back and through a wall. The boys stared in amazement and fear as her brown hair was suddenly floating upwards and she started yelling. "You bastard! You stupid sexist bastard! I'm gonna kill you for saying that!" "Easy jen" says Gwen trying to hold her cousin back "let me go these dweebs need to pay".
Thanks says Kevin as jen went beet red and started stuttering gewn found something off about this guy she could tell.  Back in Equestria "Sorry it had to be this way... Princess". A  Smirking sunset said
"Who was that" said futtershy "former student of mine. She began her studies with me not long before Twilight. But when she did not get what she wanted as quickly as she liked, she turned cruel and dishonest. I tried to help her, but she eventually decided to abandon her studies and pursue her own path. One that has sadly led to her stealing your crown". Explain Celestia. "You got the crowd mother" the voice said from the shodow. Yes but I ran  into some complications did you find the  Anodite Sunset said to her son "yes I managed to meet her".  said voice. Great job Kevin sweetheart. "I just find way to get the crowd Kevi bear"  Said Sunset. "mum don't say that" Kevin said embarrassed. " you used love me calling you when you first came here your were a toddler even if your 4 years old in the other world. Cooed Sunset Shimmer Acting motherly a blushing Kevin stammered "Mum  your  Embarrassing   Me" said Kevin.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2023 ⏰

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