1. Normality...?

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Thank you for finding my book! I hope you enjoy it enough to continue to the end of this chapter and maybe even the next. And next. And the one after that. Dunno you might even make it to the end.
I love trying new things with each and every one of my books so I hope you like what I've come up with.
See ya at the end :)

I woke with a jolt as I smacked into the dusty old carpet of my bedroom floor. "Ouch" I groan as I rub my tender face, my eyelids weighting heavily as an after effect of little sleep the night before.

Using the help of my mirrored bedside table I managed to pull myself to my aching feet. That was the last time I worked until one in the morning.

Rubbing the remaining pieces of sleep from my eyes I glance at my phone and wish for a miracle, that for once, just once, it was a weekend and early in the morning so I could go back to my bed that looked rather inviting.

Crossing every finger and toe, even my eyes hoping that it made the numbers rearrange into something more pleasant, I turn on my phone.

"Crabs!!" I scream as the lock screen opens with the brightness turned all the way up, my eyes burning in the darkness of the room. This then cause me to drop my phone and I instantly forget about the throbbing pain at the back of my eyes as I dive for my phone that lays on the carpet.

"Please be ok" I plead.

To be honest my carpet was more like a slab of concrete topped of with a thin layer of hay then a bedroom floor.
Perks of being and only child living with just her father, I think not.

The only money that I could scrape up was from working at a small restaurant as a waiter. Luckily the place was always packed because it was famous for its special coffee, but not for me when your working the closing shift.

I stand to my feet once again and walk over to the light switch preparing my eyes to prevent what surely would have happened a second time.

8:37, Monday, 18 February.

"Argh" It was tempting to throw my phone at the impossibly hard carpet, but no, I didn't have time for that with school starting in 23 minutes.

Not to mention, my school was a ten minute drive and with my car broken it was a fifteen minute walk with short cuts.

"Ember!! Are you wake!?" Dad calls from through the door.

"Could have asked me that half an hour ago, dad. I'm going to be late" I yell back while fishing my favourite pair of dark jeans from my closet and cringing "again"

"Set an alarm kiddo" He mumbles then I hear his footsteps retreating down the hallway before his teenage daughter went hulk.

Smart man.

After squeezing into my jeans I jank on my top deciding a run was in order for tonight, I needed to get back in shape.

I wasn't fat, but not eating junk food as regularly was a price any girl would pay to fit into her favourite jeans properly.

I pull my hair back in a messy ponytail of dark, red curls before slipping on my worn vans and dashing out the door.


"Ember that would be the third time this year" says miss Walter with her hands on her slight hips.

"Morning" I cringe as I slide past, I was trying to be discrete when my alarm finally went off right on entry into the classroom.

"Might I mention that this is the fourth week of school" She smiles weakly at her student. Miss Walter was the nicest teacher in the school and couldn't hold a grudge.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2015 ⏰

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