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You have entered the game!

You have experienced selective amnesia. All memories of friends and family have been removed. Memories of life altered, necessary memories kept back.

Motor skills has also been retained.

Please create your character profile!

I couldn't understand what I was seeing. A game? What game? I didn't...who am I?

Please select name:

I looked at the text box before me and squinted my head, I felt it buzz around, it's like something was wrong, but I didn't know what.

I looked at the other boxes before, 'my memories are...gone?' I blinked, that was...is that even possible?

I tried to remember my name, my age, anything. But I always came up blank. I...I don't know who I am.

The boxes, they were the only thing I knew now. A name? How can I give a name when I don't know what it is?

I looked around, I was surrounded by darkness, nothing but darkness. Even the ground I walked on was black, black marble.

"My name is….Darkness," I replied slowly, hoping by following through with the boxes questions I could eventually find some help.

Name: Yami (Darkness in world's native language)

Please select gaming world:


Everything else was blacked out, there wasn't any other options. I blinked, I recalled that name, it's an anime about ninjas, one I liked very much. With no other choice I selected it and suddenly a new box came up, with a whole bunch of new info;

Default settings are being implemented for game run.

Name: Yami

Age: 8

Gender: Male

Clan: Orphan (None)

Select village:






I blinked, I didn't understand what was happening, but I decided to play along. I chose the one village I knew properly, Fire.

You have selected Fire, here is your status page. The game will begin when you finish reading:

Yami, (No Title)

Level- 1 (0/200)

HP- 50/50

SP- 25/25

CP- 25/25


Allegiance- Konoha Civilian

STR- 2

VIT- 2

DEX- 2

INT- 5

CHA- 4

CC- 3

LUC- 1

Points- 0

Money- 0R

An Orphan living in Konoha, born the day after the Kyuubi attacked, Yami has been known to be a quiet child, people barely even realise he exists. He has no real past, but his future is blank, his potential is in his hands alone.

Yami: The Gamer KageWhere stories live. Discover now