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"Dad I'm home!" Leyla jumped into her father's arms and kissed him on the cheek. " I managed to open my shop in New York City today and I had plenty of customers" Leyla excitedly told her father expecting him to cheer her up but to her surprise his father's face frowned even more.

"Dad, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Leyla asked her father; there was no reply. Leyla asked her dad again but this time Cole; Leyla's dad stood up from where he was and walked away. Leyla was shocked by her father's behavior because she has never seen him like that before after he had divorced Rachel; Leyla's mom.

Leyla sat at the couch with tears welling up her eyes wondering what made her father so mad. She asked herself so many questions but still she didn't find a good reason for her father's behavior. While lost in her thoughts, she heard her phone beeping indicating incoming message. At this hour she was only expecting message from her best friend Bree who lived few blocks away from their house. Bree was the only friend Leyla had because all her workmates isolated themselves from her which made her so lonely. To her surprise it was unknown number. This made Leyla to freak out not knowing whether to read the text, or to reply or even to ignore it. At this time she needed her mother most but she was not there.

" Hello there my love or rather my wife to be? Have you already had you supper?" this text made Leyla to tremble with fear. Her body was shaking involuntarily, many thoughts crossing her mind; " Are these my workmates messing with me? Or is it Bree who trying to cheer me up? If its her, she has my number or has she changed her number?" Leyla was unable to utter a word. picking up her phone from the floor, she stared at the screen displaying the message. A quick thought came through her mind and she decided to answer the message. " who are you?" she gained the courage and replied to the text.

Waiting nervously for the reply, the reply came with in. " I'm your husband baby; did your dad not tell you?" this was the most shocking reply Leyla was expecting.

" Sit down Leyla!" Cole ordered with a cold voice. Leyla freaked out " I said sit down and I'm not going to repeat that statement" Cole's voice was firm . He handed out a brown envelope to Leyla. "Open it and take out those documents". She looked at her father with disbelief. Cole's face was emotionless as he knew what has already happened.

Leyla opened the envelope and took out some printed documents placing them on the table in front of her. " I need you to sign those documents and don't make me furious" Cole ordered. Before signing the papers Leyla thought of telling Cole about the previous event but seeing her father's mood Leyla decided to just keep it to herself.

Now the documents are in front of Leyla's eyes waiting to be signed. Not knowing what really the documents were about Leyla decided to just sign the papers in order not to see her father furious face. " I'm done signing them" Leyla finally broke the silence. Cole's face brightened with joy a little bit as he received the signed documents with Leyla's name. "Thank you" he said looking at Leyla and said " Your engagement party is next week Saturday be prepared." Cole said "dad you're joking right?" Leyla asked in disbelief. " what do you think you have just signed huh! You have signed your marriage papers you are now married!"

" what! no way! that can't be true" Tears now welling up her eyes. She did not know whether to cry or scream. " Dad! I've asked you a question; have you made me sign marriage papers without even explaining it to me?" Leyla felt as is that was betrayal. She never expected her father, the person he calls dad everyday to do something like that to her. All she wanted now was explanation from Cole who was comfortably sited on the couch. "Who do you think you are to question me?" Cole started; " you are like your mother, so stubborn and you think I can cope up with your behavior huh! You are not even my real daughter so just do what I say and everything will be fine or else" Cole paused and looked at Leyla who was still crying. "Or else what? Huh! What will you do? Will you kick me out of the house like you did to my mum? Wait! What did you mean I'm not your real daughter?" Leyla was now furious. She was feeling as if she's in her own world not knowing what to believe and what not.

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