sae ending 💏

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So I'm going to make a sae and Rin ending because a lot of you said sae but also some rin and tbh i love my Rin pookie 😔

I took my phone and answered the call which was from Rin.
"What do you want" i asked him and sae looked confused into my direction.
"Hey l/n uh i just wanted to tell you that i broke up with harumi"
I sighed"well that's good for you but if you're calling me because you want me back or something than you're definitely wrong "

"I understand l/n..." He muttered something. "well i should really hang up now I'm still with sae and it's pretty late. Good night Rin" i told him.
I got a little good night back before i hang up and sat on the couch down.

"Oh what did Rin want?" He asked me.
"He broke up with harumi" i answered him and he didn't even look surprised.
"Oh but you rejected him?"
I nodded and laid down.
"I think we weren't meant to be together. I really loved him yeah of course i did i mean how couldn't i. But he can't love someone else when he doesn't love himself " i whispered.

"Y/n let's go to sleep " he smiled at me and I nodded.
Laying down in the dark i came a little closer towards sae and suddenly felt his arms around me.
"Y/n" he whispered
"Mhmm" i answered back.

"I- uh good night" he said and I was a little confused. "mhh good night sae" i just whispered and closed my eyes while his arms pulled me closer to his chest.

I woke up as i felt someone staring at me. Slowly opening my eyes and looked straight into two teal orbs.
"Mhh good morning sae" i yawned, still looking into his beautiful eyes. 'how can they be so beautiful...'

"Good morning y/n-" he got cut off when a pillow flew into his face and I looked shocked to the direction where Kyōtani was standing. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING KYŌTANI?!" i yelled at him.

"Well you two are laying in the same bed, you're pretty close and...
I'm going to tell that mom!" He just said and ran upstairs.
"Sorry about him" i sighed but sae just chuckled.
"Yeah don't worry it's alright." He said and began to stare like some creep at my face again.

"You're okay? Do i have something on my face?" I asked him but he quickly shook his head "no of course not you're eyes are just really pretty" he muttered and my cheeks got a little tint of red.
'why is he suddenly like that?...'
"Haha thanks but i like your eyes definitely more!" I said smiling.
We booth sat up and he took his phone out so I just did the same



Shidou 😐
Now i can't defend you anymore
You said I'll have sae for myself

But no I'm single again wdym🥱
And besides
He just stared at me and said that i have pretty eyes

Monster 🤗
Are you now...

I'm pregnant with 500+ of his kids


Oh i wanna be the Uncle

I'm going to be their aunt😈

I don't think that's possible

It is?
Maybe I'm trans
So homophobic fr😔

Cheater 😡
And I wanna be their dad

But sae is already their dad🤨
Well bye guys!
Going back to sae

Putting my phone away i looked back at sae who was staring at me again.
"You sure your alright? You're staring again?" I asked now a little bit suspicious.
"Hm oh yeah of course, should I make us some breakfast or are you not hungry?" He said

"I'll do the breakfast since you're my guest!" I said cheerfully and went to the kitchen but when I got their i felt the presence of sae next to me.
"Let me Help you"
Well we booth made bacon with omelet and rice what didn't even look too bad.

As we sat down at the table i began to talk again. "soo sae what are you planning to do now? I mean will you continue with your soccer career?"

"Yes i think I'll stay with soccer and what about you?" He asked me.
"Uhh i have no idea. My grades aren't even that bad but sometimes i really suck at w/s (worst subject) and sometimes even other subjects. Maybe I'll just marry someday a rich man..." I said and joked at the last sentence
(No I'm not joking 😕)

"Oh but what do you wanna be? I mean if your marry a rich man plan won't work?"
I thought for a little"hm maybe (i don't know think about some random job 😭)"
I said and he just nodded his head.

"Y/n?" He suddenly said after some calm silence. I looked up with a questioning look. "well about your plan with marry some rich man..."
Now i got a little embarrassed since it sounded kinda stupid.

"Maybe it'll get true" he ended while i looked a little bit surprised. "huh? What do you mean?" I asked and he still held eye contact with me.

"I mean i could help you with that" he looked serious. Too serious.
"Eh i still don't get it? You wanna recommend me some dating website?" I chuckled. "y/n" he sighed and he looked like he was despairing.
"In the future...
I could be your rich husband" he said what made me completely caught of guard.

"Huh...?" I didn't get much out since I didn't know if he was joking or if i just understood it wrong.
"What do you mean with that?" I finally asked him as i got more words out of my mouth.

"Well i mean that i like you y/n. I mean that i want to be in a relationship with you. I mean that i wanna marry you someday and be your rich husband"
He said still looking with his beautiful teal orbs into my eyes.
"Sae..." I muttered and just came closer to him.
"Than i would love to be your broke wife" i chuckled before I closed the gap between our lips.

Breaking the kiss he smiled at me. "so does that mean we're now together?" I asked him and looked with a tint of red on my cheeks away. "of course" he chuckled.

"I love you my broke wife"

"I love you too my rich husband"

I kinda cringed while writing this but yeah i hope it's okay😔
I'm going to upload the Rin ending tomorrow 😘

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