Feliz cumpleaños, Mirabel

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Mirabel walked around the nursery anxiously. It was her fifteenth birthday, and Abuela agreed to have a quinceanera for her.

Everything was going okay. Well, maybe except the dress.

Mirabel thought back to her sisters and cousin's parties - Isabela's dress was beautiful. It was lilac, long and big enough to swallow a man. Decorated with tons of flowers and soaked in glitter, all the silky lace... Her dress was even more than perfect. It made her looks like a goddess.

Dolores's dress was just as stunning. It was red with gold, symmetric embroidery, also very long and wide. Again, lots of glitter.

Luisa wore a dark blue dress. It was just as long, shiny and beautiful as the other two. White, red and silver ornaments.

Mirabel even thought about her mama and tia's dresses she saw in a picture. Julieta's dress was mint green, long with lace and decorated with small herbs and flowers. It looked almost like a wedding dress.

Tia Pepa's dress was bright orange, with a cute top with embroidery and a puffy, layered skirt. The glitter shining in all colours of the rainbow.

And then there was Mirabel. Of course, she had a dress she made on her own, a baby blue dress with butterflies. As long and wide as all the others.

But Abuela didn't approve of that dress. Instead, she ordered Mirabel to wear the one she bought for her - a rather plain looking dress with a white top and a light blue bottom, the only decoration being some small flowers embroidered on the waistline.

Sure, it looked nice, but it was even simpler and plainer than the dresses women would wear casually.

It looked like a dress for a guest, not the quinceanera herself.

Mira sighed, adjusting one of the strips that held the top of the dress. At least she had a tiara. It was a tradition - every Madrigal girl wore a tiara on her quinceanera.

That's right, she thought, trying to be optimistic, plain dress or not, it's still my party!

This was going to be the best night of her life. Music, food, presents, oh, the presents!

-Mirabel! -her shapeshifting cousin, Camilo, burst through the door. -Come on already! The food- I mean, people are waiting!

Mirabel rolled her eyes with a smile and got ready to leave.

-Your highness~! -Camilo jokingly bowed down while opening the door for her, making her laugh.

In the hallway, the whole family was waiting for her. Her parents, tia, tio, cousins and Luisa all smiled at her. Isabela looked away with her arms folded, but they could all see the pride and happiness in her eyes.

-My baby sister is all grown up! -Luisa hugged Mira with tears in her eyes, Julieta and Agustín doing the same a minute later.

Pepa had a rainbow over her head, Felix and Dolores standing next to her, smiling proudly at Mirabel.

Antonio ran up to Mirabel and hugged her.

-You look beautiful, Mirabel! Like a princess! -he said jumping up and down excitedly.

-Careful, Toñito, you're gonna mess up her dress. -Dolores gently pulled him away.

Mira was feeling less and less nervous with her family's love and support. Maybe everything will be alright after all.

-Mirabel, your party starts in two minutes! -Abuela called out strictly while passing by.

Yep, nevermind, all the nerves were back.

-We'll be waiting in the courtyard, mija. -Julieta said while cupping her daughter's cheek.

Camilo gave Mira a reassuring pat on the shoulder before going down the stairs with the rest of the family.

A few seconds later, the courtyard was full of people. Mirabel couldn't help but think about her failed gift ceremony. No, this was different. It was her quinceanera. There was nothing that could go wrong.

Abuela walked up to her to make sure she looks perfect. She tucked some of Mirabel's hair behind her ear and, much to Mira's suprise, she smiled.

-You're a grown woman now, mi nieta. -she said. -It's a very important night our family and it needs to be perfect, so make sure you behave.

Mirabel nodded and watched her grandmother walk down the stairs, not very satisfied with her words.

No "I'm proud of you" or "I love you", not even a "have fun". Just "make sure you behave".

Mirabel took a deep breath and walked down the stairs as gracefully as she could. She prayed to every God she could think of so that she doesn't trip over her dress.

When she finally made it downstairs, she let out a sigh of relief while the villagers cheered for her.

Then the party started.

Everyone was dancing, eating and drinking. Mirabel chuckled watching her parents dancing, with tia Pepa and tio Felix vibing right next to them.

Mira danced a few times with Antonio, Camilo and Luisa, but now she needed a break. Getting a drink, he glanced at the tons of presents she will open soon. She focused on the ones from her family members. She could tell which presents was whose.

The small, cute box wrapped in green paper must be from her mama. And the shiny yellow one is definitely Camilo's. There was even a tiny present in maroon paper from Abuela. The only present Mirabel wasn't able to spot was Isabela's.

Speaking of which, where was her oldest sister?

The fifteen year old looked around, but señorita perfecta was nowhere to be seen. Strange. Usually, whenever there was a party, Isabela would put on a show with her powers and graceful attitude, trying to please Abuela.

Now curious and eager to find her, Mirabel started looking around the nearby rooms.

She didn't want to bother Dolores and ask her if she could hear Isa anywhere, as her cousin was already a bit overwhelmed by the noise.

After a few minutes, Mirabel found herself in the kitchen. And there was Isabela, standing with something hidden behind her back.

-Isa? -Mirabel's voice made Isabela turn her head in suprise.

-Mirabel!? Why aren't you outside partying? You'll upset Abuela!

-I realised you were gone, so I came to find you, duh! What's that behind your back?

-Nothing! -Isabela stepped back to prevent Mirabel from looking behind her.

-Don't tell me... Is it the present you wanna give me? Or... The present you DON'T wanna give me...? -the younger sister was confused by the situation.

Isabela stood still for a while, not sure what to say. Then she let out a big sigh.

-It's... Not like I don't want to give it to you. I do. It's just... Everything that changed between us... During those 10 years. -she looked up, expecting Mirabel to laugh or get mad at her, but instead her little sister seemed touched.

-Isa... I know things have been complicated. And Abuela would always tell you to stay away from me. But... No matter what, you'll always be my sister. And I'll always love you, as cheesy as it sounds. I don't care if you give me a present or not, I just want you to be there when I grow up.

Isabela looked shocked for a second, tears in her eyes. Then she smiled. It was one of the very few genuine smiles she showed during the last 10 years. She pulled a box wrapped in purple paper from behind her back and gave it to her youngest sister.

-Happy birthday, Mirabel.

Mira opened the box to see a beautiful necklace made of blue flowers.

-Isa... Did you make this yourself?

-It wasn't easy, but I like the way it turned out.

Mirabel didn't even notice the tears forming in her eyes.

-So do I. Thank you, Isabela.

The sisters smiled at each other before going back to the party.

Encanto one-shot - Mirabel's quinceanera Where stories live. Discover now