.1 Cleaning and Thinking

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Authur note~
Hey so I hope you enjoy and sorry I do tend to make my stories lengthy. But ye um..I'd what to say so- ♡

Jayden POV.
"Shouldnt be much longer," Mom had said snapping me out of my thinking "Dont you remember what it was like to be home, all those memories it held, your father and brother."

"no... I dont" I replied with a small sigh.

"You'll remember when we get there." She smiled at me. Why is she smiling? Im not sure if she thinks its gonna make anything better, I dont even get they we left... Or why they had to leave...

"Why did we even have to leave home anyway?" I mumbled.

"Mya we all need a fresh start love, you know that." She said slowly, I looked at her then turn my head back leaning against the window.


As we drove up to the curb and parked I sat glued to my seat, eyes fixed onto the old house that we had once lived in. The old water fountain that was covered mostly in vines, the swing and tire tied into tree, small rose bushes in the front... Everything was still, kinda the same.

C'mon and help me unload, take the small boxes." Mom said getting out the car and popping the trunk open. I bit down in my lip getting out and walking inside. Multiple rays on light hit my face from the window, I blinked a couple times getting use to lighting and I could see clearly. Boxes stacked but some were already opened, book shelves were against the wall with actually very few book in them, old paintings, and photos were hung up.. Until I cam across a particular one, that had been broken. Maybe on purpose or maybe because something hit it. It was girl and boy holding hands, maybe which seemed to be me.. And my brother. We have, well had a good relationship back then. I held the picture and then heard footsteps came from behind me and so it was my father, Curtis.

"Jayden? I wasnt expecting you to get here for another couple hours, where's your mother?" He asked, I stayed quite and pointed outside.

"Oh I guess I should go help her." He suggested and smiled.

"Dad? Where is Julian?" I quietly asked before he walked out the door.

"Mh he's at school. He was going to stay but he had said something about a test. Uh.."

I crossed my arms and looked down, couldn't he had stayed? Or what couldnt he had taken it tomorrow?

"Its so nice to have you home kido!" He smiled small and came in to hug me. I walked back avoiding his arms,

"Not even a hug for your old man haha?"

"So when is he coming home?" I asked looking down,

"Should be home in an hour or two?"

"So in the mean time id love to get some bringing in our bags." Mom walked in tapped her foot, Jesus... All I want right now is to see Brendan, thats all.

"Dad... Im tired can I take a nap?"

"Jayden you just spent the entire trip asleep-" Mom glared at me

"oh course you can Kido, upstairs to your left. I'll let Brendan wake you up when he is home" Dad smiled and I walked upstairs into the room. As I turned the corner mom spoke again,

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14, 2017 ⏰

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