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Jackie's pov

I walked backwards straight into the doorframe of my room. Just great... I opened the door and quickly shut it behind me. I sighed deeply before turning around and seeing... Jack? Isn't he supposed to be with Mark filming a video. I cleared my throat and asked, " uhhh heyyyy... aren't you supposed to film a video with Mark? Raft ot something?" "He canceled it what is your problem with that anyway?" Jack said in a monotonous tone. "Uhh chill man... nothing just curious." I replied kinda creeped out at how monotonous he was being. Jack is normally very chirpy and in that optimistic mood for everything. Something felt off. Very off. 

"Now it is my turn to ask a question. When entering why were you so flustered?" Jack said again remaining the same tone. "How do you know?" I started before realising he implied no questions to be asked, "uhhhhh...ummm, you know... just Dark. Didn't think he was so... uh... strong?" 

"You seem unsure of yourself... are you sure you are telling the truth. Don't lie." 

This was starting to be very creepy. Should I be telling him about Anti? I think something is up.

"You saw Anti didn't you?" 

Wait how did he know its like he read my mind. 

"Hey Jack are you feeling well?"


I started backing away from him and hit my head on the doorframe (again) and rubbed the back of my head. Uh. 

"Don't try siding with Anti, you know what he did!" "But he was looking genuinely-" "YOU WOULD TURST THAT GLITCH BITCH AGAINST ME! HOW DARE YOU!" "Jack-" "DON'T INTURUPT ME! uhh help UH SHUT UP! NO..." 

I just stood there stunned. What was I supposed to do? If I came close he would attack and I can't  leave him alone. After I got over the shock my brain started functioning again and I realised... oh shit I should tell Mark. 

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