Part 1: Decilusion

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Había vivido en una realidad en la que solo se contaban las horas para verte. Mi anhelo era poder ver tus ojos llenos de amor, y que pudieras ver como yo te miraba, con ojos de admiración y amor. Mi mente y mi alma te pertenecían, incluso si desde las sombras te veía, e incluso si desde miles de kilometros te deseaba. Mi alma pedia a gritos poder envolverse en la tuya. Mis ojos querían ver el color de los tuyos una vez y mil veces mas. Aun si tu alma le pertenece a alguien mas en este momento. Estoy segura que en otra vida, podré anhelarte con mas intensidad que en esta.


I had lived in a reality where only the hours to see you were counted. My longing was to be able to see your eyes full of love, and that you could see how I looked at you, with eyes of admiration and love. My mind and my soul belonged to you, although from the shadows I saw you, and even if from thousands of kilometers I wanted you. My soul cried out to be able to wrap itself in yours. My eyes wanted to see the color of yours once and a thousand times more. Yet your soul belongs to someone else right now. I am sure that in another life, I will be able to yearn for you with more intensity than in this one.

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