The day I got bullied

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:Your POV:

I woke up to my mom yelling at me again "WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP" this is all I hear sometimes but then I realized I didn't do my homework. "AUGHHHGHHGH WHY DOES SCHOOL HAVE TO DO THIS TO ME!!!" I got up to check the time and realized there was no time to do my homework or eat breakfast I quickly got out of bed to get ready. "Why does time always have to do this to me," I say as I rush my way thru my neighborhood I sure was lucky that school is close to my house. well that was until I saw the 4 tormentors I didn't feel like dealing with them so I rushed past them hoping they wouldn't see me but of course, luck isn't on your side.

They're not going to see me right? right "Hey isn't that the girl that you-" Michael then slaps his hand over Wilson's mouth "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" I was confused why would Michael do that was he trying to hide something??? whatever. I didn't feel like caring I turned around just to peek over at them and was that BluSh I saw??? I then say "Are you blushing I knew I was hot but really Michael Afton blushing???" I say but his friends agreed with me??? "Agreed" Anissa said Michael then punched me "Ow that hurt," I said.

"SoRrY but I don't care go away freak!!!" he said with a mean voice " Well that's kind of what I was trying to do before anywaysss?" I then stand up and do a death stare at his group. "Wow, you guys really are furries aren't you? aggressive and everything but I don't think they're supposed to be ugly like you guys" I insult them I say while I roll my eyes at them. and then I realized that I was going to be even more late to school "Great you idiots wasted my time" but then I see the anger in their face and realized maybe they didn't take my insults very well so I proceed to run. "GET BACK HERE BITCH!!!" AHHHH I run and run for what feels like forever until I stumble upon poor people "whoa hi" they say there were two of them one of them was wearing a grey hoodie and some leggings they had brown hair and white skin with green eyes they also had glasses and the other was wearing a hot pink hoodie and black sweat pants but they had tan skin and long black hair and dark brown eyes unlike the other they didn't use glasses.

they then look at Michael's friend and look at each other and say "Alright time to go!!!" they grab my hand and zoom away until we reach my school. we somehow managed to lose them and they introduced themselves and the one with the grey hoodie started first. "Alright my name is Nova and my friend here is Pearla" they said "Hi," the other girl said with an awkward smile on her face she looked nervous. "My names Y/n nice to meet you gu-" I got cut off by the bell ringing wait I still didn't do my homework I was somehow supposed to do on my way to school "AHHH I'm going to be late see you guyssss" I rush off to class.

(Time skip cause I'm lazy)

It was lunch and I was unlucky today cause B/f wasn't here so I didn't know where to sit at lunch I then see the girls I ran into this morning and one of them was waving at me so I come over to them "Heyy how you doing? did you get punched by Michael yet" Nova says "Yes I sadly did" I say "Unlucky" Pearla says I then see Billy giving me the side eye why was he staring at me like that? wait I forgot I yanked him out of his chair didn't I oop I didn't mean to "Hey Billyy" I awkwardly smile at him "Go away" he says "Oh my god you know little Billy???" Pearla says "Yes but not in a good way I kind of yanked him out of his chair on my first day here"

I say I then see Nova give me a look of disapproval"Not cool not cool" Pearla says "I'm sorry Billy I was trying to uh prove my point" I say "Hmmm" he thinks "Yeah I guess that's fair" Billy says "I just don't like being pushed around too much I already get pushed around with Michael and his friends" he says sadly "Yeah I really want to punch that guy but Billy won't let me" Nova says "Michael he deserves to be punched" I say "Oh doesn't Michael's dad own a pizza restaurant?" Pearla says "Yeah he does hey I was thinking we should all hang out there because I kind of want to see what all the hype is about you know," Pearla says "I don't wanna go!!! what if Michael and his friend are there I don't want to come" Billy says "You don't have to come Billy" Nova says "Oh ok then well have fun tell me if the pizza's good too" Billy says in a joyful voice.

I was going to say something but then I hear an announcement "Hello students I just wanted to make an announcement that there have been kids missing around our area and wanted to say if you see anything suspicious please report it for the safety of all of our students please and thank you" the announcement lady says. "were dead" Pearla says "Oh right my mom mentioned that this morning I didn't believe her guess she wasn't lying" Nova says "That's scary what if they come after me?" little Billy says "Don't worry I will protect you little Billy" Nova says.

The rest of my day went just about right I was lucky to not see Michael and his friends the rest of the day it almost feels like there trying to avoid me but I don't really care much. I do have to say little Billy isn't as weird as I thought he was I guess I never really gave him a chance. I was walking home well more like I ran home just cause I really wanted to go to bed I guess school can make me tired sometimes oh welp at least I met new people.

Authors note: I'ma go take a nape have a great afternoon/night/day :)))

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