Unexpected Arrival

411 6 70

(3rd person)

Repo was in his scrap yard as usual, walking around and going over a list of things he needed to repossess while muttering to himself.

"Rv... car... birthday cake... prosthetic leg..."

He stopped reading his list however when he heard a muffled noise. Someone was rummaging through his stuff. The mantis creeped over, ready to sneak attack the thief. No one steals from Repo Man, He thought to himself. Not unless they want me to repossess their- wait- huh?

He was about to attack, but when he turned the corner instead of being met with the usual thief he was instead met with a child. The mantis scratched his head and peered down at the kid. They were a mutant, that much was clear, and was dark green with purple-ish markings. They had a big oversized purple hoodie on, along with a purple bandana and glasses taped on their head. The kid let out a surprised chirp when they saw the mutant mantis, and hid under one of the cars.

Why is there a kid in my scrap yard..? Where's their parents..? Repo asked himself, walking over to where the kid was hiding. He crouched down and looked under the rusted car, seeing the small mutant hiding underneath. They seemed so spooked, and the mantis's cold, greedy heart seemed to warm a bit. "Hey, 's alright, I ain't gonna hurt cha kid."

The kid looked up at him and cautiously crawled out, seeming reluctant. They stood back up, fiddling with their hands that seemed to only have 3 fingers each. Repo observed the kid. Seemed fidgety, and real dirty. And it wasn't just from going under the car.

"Kid, where're your parents?" Repo asked, a bit worried for the kid honestly. The kid was quiet, and grew a bit more fidgety. Must be a touchy subject... He sighed and completely sat down, getting as close to the kids level as to not be as intimidating. "Well, since ya don't wanna tell me that, can I know yer name? I don't wanna just call you 'kid' forever."

"...D-...Don- Donatel-lo... or D-Donnie..." The kid stuttered, tripping over their own name.

"Nice to meet ya Donatello, I'm Repo Mantis. You can call me Repo." The scrapper smiled and offered one of his arms to shake their hand. Donnie took it and shook it, looking up in awe at the mantis as he stood up. "Cmon, we should get you cleaned up. You look like ya crawled out of a trash bin."

"Ok..." Donnie just nodded, holding onto Repo's arm while they walked. "You're really a mantis?"

"Yup. Why do ya think I call myself Repo Mantis?" He asked, chuckling a bit at the kid's curiosity. "What are you exactly?"

"A turtle..." Donnie responded, a bit nervous. "Specifically a softshell turtle..."

"Softshell? What does that mean?" Repo asked, a bit confused. Why did he seem nervous to tell him that?

"My shell is not hard like other turtle's... it's really sensitive and is, well, soft." He explained, scratching the back of his head.

"Heh, you sure are smart for a kid!" the mantis stated, chuckling at the face the small turtle made when he praised him. He came to his home, a small shack hidden in the back of the yard. He brought the kid in, setting him on the old beat-up sofa and kneeling in front of him. "You need to clean up, kid. Starting with your hoodie. Is it alright if I take it?"

"But... it protects my shell..." The softshell muttered, hugging himself.

Repo thought for a second, before standing up and going to his room and into his closet. He doesn't have many items of clothing, but he has enough. Including a slightly torn hoodie. It was from a band he liked back in the day. It may be old and have a couple tears, but it's clean. He took it and brought it back to the living room, sitting back in front of the kid.

"You can't keep that dirty ol thing on, so how bout we trade for now?" He offered, setting the dark coloured hoodie in front of the small turtle. Donnie looked at it, before hastily changing. Before Repo could even blink, the kid was in the band hoodie, which was much too big for him, with his dirty purple one in his arms. "Well, since your shell is still being protected, could I take your hoodie to clean now?"

"Okay..." Donnie mumbled, reluctantly handing it to the mantis.

Repo took the hoodie and chuckled, looking down at the turtle that was being engulfed in the cloth. "If you're worried about what I'm gonna do to it, you can watch me put it in the washer, alright?"

He started walking over to the basement, which held the laundry stuff, and heard the small pitter patter of feet follow him. He turned and saw Donnie, who now looked like a little hoodie monster, cautiously following him down the basement stairs. The mantis was amused by this, waiting for the softshell to join his side before putting the hoodie in the washer and starting it. He then brought the kid back upstairs, sitting back on the couch with the kid.

"So, why're you out here all on your own?" Repo asked, curious. "Won't your parents get worried for ya?"

The small turtle frowned further, curling up in the hoodie. "My dad thought I was weak because I was a softshell... so he didn't wanna waste his time training me with my brothers..." He murmured, small tears in the corners of his eyes threatening to spill. "He took me out and said we were going to find food, but he took me to some alleyway and told me that he wouldn't train someone who's so weak and that I'm only allowed home when I'm stronger... he also insulted my species and said I was a sorry excuse of a turtle..."

Repo's heart shattered as the small turtle explained his story, tears filling the poor kid's eyes and starting to pour down his face. How could someone do this to a kid..? Or SAY something like that to a kid?! He was filled with rage, but kept it calm for Donnie. He picked the kid up, hugging him in his lap. "Well, whoever yer dad is shouldn't even have the dad title. Real families love each other no matter what. It aint your fault you were born like this. It's his loss. Now c'mere, ya little scrap turtle."

The small turtle curled up to the mantis, sobs falling out of his mouth. Repo rubbed his back and held him close, saying comforting things to the kid. He was completely baffled someone would have the heart- or rather lack of one- to do this to a kid. But his rage was for later. Right now he has a child to tend to. He was surprised he was being this gentle with the kid. The only person he's so gentle with is his cat, Mrs. Nubbins. Speaking of which, she was sat on the back of the couch, looking at the both of them. When the crying calmed down he still held the kid, watching Mrs. Nubbins hop down beside the two.

"Hey, Donnie, do you like cats by chance?" He asked, taking one hand to scratch the fuzzball's head.

"I've never seen one before... at least not in person..." Donnie responded, lifting his head up and wiping off his face. He looked over and saw Mrs. Nubbins, eyes almost looking like they had stars in them. "Uh- can I pet her?"

"Knock yourself out." He chuckled as the small turtle went to pet the cat, a small smile appearing on his face. "If you wanna know, her name is Mrs. Nubbins."

"She's so cute!" Donnie said, flapping his hands in happiness.

"Yep, she's my best friend and basically family." He nodded, patting the softshell's head while smiling. "Like you now."

Donnie turned his attention back on the mantis. "Huh?"

"Well, I ain't letting you go back out there on yer own. You're just a kid. You don't deserve to be out on the streets." Repo explained, leaning back on the couch. "I can either bring you to some kind of adoption home, or you could stay with me. It's up to you. And don't worry, if you choose the adoption home I'll find you a good one."

The turtle looked up in surprise at the mantis, now believing his ears. "You wanna keep me around..?"

"Course, ya seem like a nice kid. Plus, with your smarts we could probably do good work together-" The mantis was cut off by a small pair of arms hugging onto his torso from the side. He just sighed contently, holding the kid close while Mrs. Nubbins curled up on his lap. Soon the three fell asleep there, a small, strange family being formed.

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