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A/n: was playing Honkai star rail all day, almost forgot to make a chapter....Kafka 🙏🙏.










"Bye, bye! Let's hang out some time again!" Reo called out waving to Isagi and Hyo as he was running while dragging Nagi with him.

Isagi and Hyo waved back till they were out of distance and couldn't see each other anymore.

"Well we stayed out much later then I would have thought." Hyo said with a smile.

"I'm tired." Isagi yawned and turned away to begin walking back towards his house.

"But you do have to admit you had fun!" Hyo said as he caught up to him and walked beside him.

"Yeah, it was fun." Isagi nodded, making Hyo smile.

Hyo nudged Isagi with his elbow gently laughing while Isagi nudged him back with a forming smile.


"I-sa-gi!" Hyo yelled shaking him awake.

Isagi groaned and held the blanket over himself not wanting to get up.

"We have school, come on!" Hyo said still shaking him.

"5 more minutes.." Isagi groaned still burying himself in his blanket making Hyo irritated.

"Hurry up!! I don't need us being late on our first proper day!" Hyo whined and carried on shaking him.

"Fine, whatever." Isagi yawned and sat up causing Hyo to stop shaking him.

"Alright! Thanks." Hyo sighed out of relief.

"Yeah, yeah." Isagi mumbled as he rubbed his eyes and stood up from his bed.

"Ah, and Auntie left some breakfast on the table for us before leaving for work." Hyo said as he picked his bag up and slipped it over his shoulder.

"Oh, alright then." Isagi responded somehow already dressed in the few seconds Hyo was turned around.

"Alright!" Hyo nodded and they both headed downstairs together.

Hyo would start up random conversations while eating but overall they were quick to finish eating and had already cleaned up and heading to school.

"What's our first class?" Hyo asked looking over at Isagis time table.

"Uhh...PE." Isagi responded.

"Alright!" Hyo nodded with a smile.

They finally arrived at school and they seemed to get around easily, unfortunately when they first arrived at school yesterday, they didn't seem to see Reo and Nagi, so they both guessed they weren't in the same class.

Once at the Gym, Hyo and Isagi walked in to see only a few people there. It was rather early so they weren't all that surprised.

"Hopefully we aren't just doing laps around the field or gym.." Hyo sighed.

"Ehh....depends on the teacher I guess, the female teacher has been praised a lot from seniors." Isagi shrugged currently leaning against the wall.

"Maybe we'll play a sport! Like basketball....volleyball.... badminton....tenniss..and I forgot other sports." Hyo said.

"We play soccer." Isagi said bluntly staring at Hyo.

"Oh, right." Hyo sweatdropped and awkwardly looked away.

"But on that topic, are we going to join the soccer club?" Hyo tilted his head.

"Uh, depends I guess, still don't know." Isagi shrugged.

"That's fair." Hyo shrugged with a small bit of laughter.

Time passed by and class finally started, thankfully they did have the female teacher which Hyo was thankful for, Isagi didn't seem to care.

"Alright! And what we will be doing today is sports! A way to help yous learn to act as a team." She grinned at all of them.

"What type of sports, may I ask." A cherry haired asked.

"Probably a whole lot, it is our first lesson together and I'm quite excited to learn more about yous all!" She replied with a smile and looked at them all.

It was an even class, 20 all up, so she thought of a sport to be first, dodgeball.

"Alright, were going to be playing dodgeball first! Since it's an even class and yous are all here, I'll split yous up." She responded and then began splitting people into different teams.

"I hope you know I'm using you as a shield." Isagi said looking at Hyo, they were put in the same team.

"Wha- the betrayal!" Hyo whined and was clearly faking being hurt by Isagis comment.

Isagi stared at who was in the opposite and him and Rin locked eye contact again, Isagi clicked his tongue in distaste as they had to line up against the wall.

"What's with the sudden attitude?" Hyo asked tilting his head.

"No reason." Isagi replied and began getting ready to sprint for a ball.

"You know, whenever you say that, it's always a lie." Hyo shrugged with a small chuckle.

Before Isagi could respond, the whistle blew and Isagi immediately sprinted for a ball, Rin doing the same thing, they both picked up a ball and threw it at each other, the balls collided and bounced off each other and went flying.

One of the girls on Isagis had to crouch down to avoid getting hit in the face.

"You...good?" Hyo asked tilting his head as he passed Isagi another dodgeball.

"Im fine." Isagi responded and threw it at Rin once again, the balls colliding again and bouncing off each other.

Hyo looked at him blankly before sighing and shrugging it off. Isagi had almost gotten out if Hyo hadn't had caught the ball, the same cherry haired had threw it.

"Ya really need to stop targeting Rin and focus on your surroundings." Hyo said and looked back at Isagi who wasnt really listening making Hyo shrug and throw the ball back at the cherry haired.

Somehow, Isagis team had won, thanks to this girl who had kept dodging all the balls being thrown at her, the teacher had decided if she could hit any of the opposing enemies, her team would win, and she manged to hit one of the people.

And somehow, this ended up being the teams for the rest of the sports they were deciding to play, so currently it was 0-1.






A/n: probably gonna go back to playing star rail now...

And I'm kinda debating if I want dorms in this fanfic, what do yous think?

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