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Adrenaline rushes through Jimin's as he runs in the darkness, heart pounding in his chest. His eyes search frantically for light or a way for the darkness to vanish, desperately hoping it can lead him somewhere else.

But there's none. He doesn't know how much time passes before suddenly everything changes and the scene appearing in front of his worry-filled eyes is all too familiar.

Terrified, Jimin's heart hammers against his ribs when he sees his dad getting into the car, and waving him goodbye to leave for a business trip. His mother has to hold him back with wet cheeks. She can't let him go, knowing something could happen if he'd try to run after his father.

Jimin sniffles as he turns around with a heavy heart, reluctant to go back home. Images of his mother trying to convince him are fleeting in front of his eyes. He isn't listening at all until a sudden loud crash sounds through the street. It's unmistakably made by cars clashing.

It takes his mother by surprise and gives Jimin the opportunity to flee and run down the street, just wanting to make sure it's nothing bad. He's ignoring his mother's calls, his focus solely on the accident he sees, and his dad's car is one of them.

The car is surrounded by too many people, which makes it difficult for Jimin to reach it. Tears are swelling up in his eyes and causing vision to become blurry. "Dad! Daaad!-"

Jimin snaps his eyes open and instantly sits up on his bed, gasping for air with his heart pounding in his chest.

Another nightmare.

He has dreams about how his father died from time to time, and it isn't getting any better. Only cuddles are helping in his situation, feeling the urge to feel protected and warm but now that he got older he couldn't just go to his mum anymore and cry like a little child in her arms, especially now that they no longer live alone.

Jimin's heart flutters and an embarrassed flush overtakes his face when his thoughts carry him to Jungkook. Jimin imagines fitting himself there, in his arms and pressing himself onto the broad and sturdy chest. The urge only grows bigger the longer he lets himself think about it, but will he accept him? Jungkook mentioned a few days ago that he will be there for him if something is wrong. Does it mean he can go to him?

He decides he needs Jungkook next to him, holding him securely in his arms, so he slips out of his bed, opens his door and walks down the dark hallway to Jungkook's room.

Jimin quietly opens the door, seeing Jungkook's chest steadily rising and falling, followed by some soft snorts. Deciding the time is good, he then crawls underneath the soft covers.

A low growl has him look up to see Jungkook slowly blinking up at him.

"What the... Jiminie? What are you doing here...?"

He rubs the sleep from his eyes to get a clearer sight. He sees Jimin next to him with tears in his eye, trying to snuggle closer to him.

"I- I had a nightmare. There was my d-dad and- and..." Jimin swallows hard and starts sobbing while he tightens his hold on Jungkook's t-shirt. The taller subconsciously pulls him closer before wiping off his tears.

"Shhh... It's okay. You don't have to tell me now, alright? Let's just sleep, alright?" Jimin hums in response, when Jungkook buries his head in his hair, hoping to let him feel somehow at ease.

☆*:.。. .。.:*☆

The sun shines through the blends as Jungkook slowly cracks his eyes open. He groans initially as he takes a look at the current time on his phone. It's just 7 am, and it's Saturday... 

What the heck?

Jungkook attempts to get up but gets pulled down on the bed to see Jimin's arm attached to his stomach. As he shifts his view to Jimin's face, his heart somehow swells up. He is wondering whether he is looking at an angel.

The soothing sunlight kisses his pale skin and makes him look so peaceful that the last thing Jungkook wants to do is wake the boy up.

He carefully traces over his eyes, over his cheeks and down to his lips. Have they always been this plump and soft? So kissable...

Wait... what the hell is he thinking and doing?

Just then, the shorter one opens his eyes and looks up at him, all so innocent.

"Good morning Jungkook-ah."

God... Could that get any worse?

He can hear Jimin chuckling softly, probably since Jungkook has only stared at Jimin the time he is awake.

Of course, it could.

His heartbeat quickens when Jimin's small hand tightens around him while he'd lean against his chest. Jungkook doesn't know what's wrong with him. On one side he wants to embrace this very boy in his arms and on the other side, he is willing to push him away to maybe be able to get this weird feeling to disappear which lingers in his stomach, ever since Jimin got closer to him.

It seems like hours pass by before one of their stomachs makes signs to be filled with breakfast.

Jungkook takes a look at Jimin.

"Are you that hungry?"


"Why didn't you say anything?"

Jimin's cheeks flush, turning pink. "You'll laugh at me when I say that."

Jungkook frowns.

"When did I ever laugh at you?"

"The times when I got last place in video games or- or when I couldn't reach something which was put high in the cupboards." He says timidly.

"Jimin- That's not... You are mistaken. When I laughed, I didn't laugh at you. I laughed at your actions. They were adorable, like when you pouted. But I would never make fun of you."

"Hmm, if you say so," Jimin states and hides farther in his chest, too shy to admit that he could blush only from his words.

As for Jungkook, he feels that there is something wrong with how he said it but soon brushes it off, not noticing that he just complimented Jimin in a not-so-brotherly way.

"So... What is the reason that you didn't say anything?"

"Do I have to say it? It's really nothing."

"Yes, tell me." His voice is certain.

"I- I feel comfortable laying in your arms. I feel secure and warm." Jimin giggles and an unfamiliar warmth settles around Jungkook's heart.

"I am glad you feel that way. For you, I'd do anything just to let you feel safe."

Jimin knows it's meant in a brotherly way, and yet he can't deny that he starts thinking of him like a stepbrother shouldn't do. What is he supposed to do when all Jungkook gives him are warm hugs, bunny smiles full of happiness or his calming doe eyes?

Somehow, he realised he liked him the moment Jungkook had apologised to him for pressuring him about the purple bruises and on another day when Jungkook cuddled him to sleep. His little heart in his chest is still giving the same unsteady beats when he is near him.

Yet, he is certain that Jungkook doesn't feel the same, and he can't ruin it—at least not now, so he will just keep quiet about it, but the time will come when he will eventually have to tell him, and he is not ready for it.

"Breakfast?" Jungkook ruffles Jimin's hair.


They get up almost simultaneously, too eager to get their aching stomach filled.

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