Meeting the Pixie

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Chapter One

Jasper POV

I awoke to the shrill sound of my alarm clock. I groaned as I read the bright numbers on the digital clock, 06.00, Ridiculous. Right now all the other children in the dreary town of Forks will be sleeping calmly, because they had normal lives. School doesn't start until 8.30, why would they have to get up so early? But my sister Rosalie and I have a far from normal life. I sighed as I slowly got out of my bed, sitting at the edge for a second to clear my head of sleep. Their was a light knock at my door,

"Come in, Rose." I whispered. Rosalie quietly opened my door and tip-toed inside my room, shutting the door behind her silently,

"Morning Jazz, I just wanted to check you were up." She whispered back, sitting beside me,

"Sadly, I am," I sighed,

"I know it sucks Jazz, but we have to get things sorted. I am just going to cook his breakfast. Can you tidy the living room? He left it in quite a mess." Rose frowned. I knew she spent a lot of time making the house look nice,

"Sure I will Rose. How bad is it?" I stood and walked over to my wardrobe, grabbing a pair of sweat pants and slipping then on,

"I think you should see for yourself." She sighed standing up and quietly leaving my room. I followed her, noticing she was still in her pyjamas. An odd thing for Rose to do, she was usually fully dressed by now. I crept slowly down the stairs behind Rosalie and almost fell over when I saw the living room.

"Oh my god." I whispered as I walked into the room more, fully assessing the mess. 15 empty cans of beer were strewn around the room, there was vomit all over the coffee table and smashed glass everywhere. I mentally kicked myself for buying glass beer bottles. I walked swiftly into the kitchen to grab some cleaning products from under the sink. I got bleach, air freshener, wood polish and a dustpan and brush. I stood up and saw Rose frying eggs, sausage, bacon and hash browns,

"Rose, where are the old towels? I need quite a lot for the table..." I gritted my teeth thinking about having to clean up the revolting vomit on the table,

"Oh use the towels in the bottom drawer. Just dump them after you've used them. Don't forget a trash bag Jasper!" I quickly grabbed the towels and a trash bag and started cleaning. I scraped the vomit into the bag using some of the towels, I gagged doing so. I poured bleach over the table, knowing this wasn't good for the wood and cleaned it, relaxing at the strong scent of the un-diluted bleach. I picked up all of the glass and dumped the empty cans. I sprayed air freshener everywhere before returning the products to the cupboard underneath the sink,

"That was disgusting." I said as I grabbed some strawberry pop-tarts from the cupboard and placed them in the toaster,

"I know, I would have done it myself but I really had to make the breakfast for him." She was anxious, I knew why but I didn't want to upset her by asking,

"It's okay Rose, I don't think it's fair if you do everything. We have to share chores." The pop-tarts popped up and I handed one to Rosalie before biting into my own. It burnt the back of my throat but I wasn't bothered. Rose put hers down on the counter as she served his breakfast and put it into the oven to keep it warm until he awoke. She ate hers slowly, walking over to the fridge and pouring us both a glass of milk. I gulped mine down,

"Do you want the shower first?" I asked her between gulps,

"No, you go first I think I will be a while in the shower." She frowned, I instantly understood,

"Rose, I tried to stop him. I am so sorry, did he hurt you bad?" Her eyes watered,

"Just some scratches and bruises, nothing I can't cover up." She said quietly,

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