Chapter 1: A Direct Aftermath

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It was an awfully sunny morning, or rather afternoon when Delsin woke up. The sun was shining through the curtains and right onto his face. He slowly opened his eyes to see a dimly lit, messy room. It was almost like a tornado ran right through it. Delsin got up from the bed; It felt like a weight was holding him down into bed.

His whole body ached, it was days... weeks...? He defeated Augustine and won. He freed conduits of the D.U.P, and saved his tribe but he felt emptier than he was before. He came home with a victory, but he also came home without a brother.

He slowly got up from the bed. People tell you, 'oh it gets easier as time passes!'. So far, this hasn't gotten any easier, in fact, it's gotten worse as the days go by. He got dressed with the closest clothes in arm's reach. He grabbed his phone from the bedside table that was littered with cups with various degrees of water in them. It was barely charged. Remembering to put his phone on the charger was not at the top of his priority list.

He made his way through heeps of clothes and into the living room. The living room was way cleaner than his own bedroom. He could only manage to keep the rest of the house clean, since it wasn't even his house, it was Reggie's.

He already lived with Reggie before everything, though he was barely home and always out committing some sort of vandalism or trespassing. Now, he wishes he spent more time with him here. Delsin only kept the house clean for Reggie, if he ever came home to a messy house he'd be furious.

Delsin grabbed himself some water, after he took a long sip his phone rang.

"Hello, Delsin, how are you, sweetheart?" It was Betty.

Hearing her voice was relieving, "Hey, Betty. I'm doing alright, I'm holding up."

There was a silence, "Are you sure, sweetheart?"

"Yeah, I'm sure." A lie of course.

He could hear her sigh over the phone, "Okay, Delsin... You know me... the tribe, we're always here for you."

"Yeah, I know, Betty." He said. Hearing this sentiment, over and over again, was getting annoying. He knew everyone was just looking out for him but god, was it frustrating how everyone reminded him of his misery.

She cleared her throat, "Well, on the other hand, we are all having breakfast here, if you'd like to come, honey. Your two friends are even coming too." Betty explained.

Delsin smiled faintly, "I'd love to come Betty."

"Great. We'll set up a seat right next to your friends. I'll see you soon, Delsin."

"Right, see you then, Betty."

"Goodbye, Delsin." She said

"See ya." Delsin then hung up.

Delsin stood in the kitchen, hearing nothing more but the hum of a ceiling fan in the living room and his own heartbeat. His head ached and he was incredibly tired; Delsin decided he'd go. If he was being honest with himself, he missed everyone, though, he'd never admit it.

Delsin appreciated Betty's kindness and patience, since she was also hurting, Reggie and Delsin were like children to her. She was always there for them, ever since their parents passed away all those years ago. It almost felt like lifetimes ago... So, losing someone she raised practically herself must hurt more than anyone can imagine. The difference between her and Delsin, is that she always put a smile on her face no matter what she was facing.

Delsin took a whiff of his current clothes, revolting was a good word for what it smelt like. He figured he'd put on some clothes that weren't covered in ash and smelted like he just took a quick stroll through a burning building. He walked over to his war ground of a room and opened his closet. He surveyed his closet and managed to find some half decent clothes. He put on a boring black shirt and found his sweater and some jeans he thinks he only wore once this week. Then, his beanie. Though, before he left, he grabbed Reggie's jacket.

Delsin was next of kin when it came to Reggie, he inherited all of his stuff. Reggie didn't have any children or a spouse. Sure, he's heard about dates he's been on but they never went past the first one. Delsin always joked it was because he was too boring, but in reality he was too committed to his work, so he never had time for anyone else. He also inherited his truck, he'll admit, he's a bit embarrassed driving around in a cop car; But, it was Reggies, nothing can change that.

He got in, and drove off to the lodge. He drove past all sorts of colourful trees, green pine and spruce trees, red maples, yellow aspens and orange alders. Autumn was his favourite season, despite the colder weather, the colours made him feel warm, it reminded him of a sunset. His reasoning for using all those warm colours in his art. Autumn was also Reggie's favourite season.

Delsin eventually got to the lodge, when he drove up to park, he saw Fetch and Eugene, talking to Betty. Delsin groaned and laid his head on the steering wheel, knowing what was coming.

He got out of the truck, Fetch and Eugene cocked their heads towards him. Betty waved while the two walked over to him.

Eugene awkwardly nudged Delsin's shoulder, and gave him a weird but sincere smile.

"Hey, how are ya, man?" Delsin asked, holding his hand out to dab Eugene up.

Eugene still had his usual sweater, though , without the hood. He almost looked like he started putting a little more effort into his appearance.

Eugene took his hand and shook it, "I'm good, I'm good."

He was never a charismatic kid, and probably never will be. Though, even at that, Delsin still liked the guy, he was sincere.

"How are you doing?" Eugene asked, cocking an eyebrow.

"Oh, uh... I'm alright." Another lie. Really? How hard is it to just be honest.

He then turned to Fetch. Her magenta hair gently flowed in the wind, when the sunlight shone on her head her hair turned a light pink, it was beautiful, honestly.

"How are you doing, laser girl?" He then leaned in closer and spoke in a whisper, but loud enough for everyone to hear, "How is it with Eugene?"

She smirked, "I'm holding up," She then leaned in closer and did the same thing, "I'm just gonna say, I'm happy I'm seeing sunlight." She chuckled.

Eugene spoke up, "Hey! My place isn't that bad. At least it's got wifi."

"I'm not saying it's bad, but I'm not saying it's great either."

"Hey, I'd invite you over to my place, a real house. But, it's definitely just as bad as Eugene's place." Delsin chuckled.

Betty chimed in, "Boys..." She said, placing her hand on Fetch's shoulder and smirking.

They all laughed.

"Everyone is almost here." She looked over the parking lot, "Do you three mind helping with setting things up." She asked, with her usual grandmother demeanor.

"Oh, y-yeah, of course." Eugene answered for all of them.

The four of them headed for the doors of the lodge.

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