Shes...alive?+Mammons secret

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Everyone walks into the purgatory hall for a sleepover. turns out Raph, mams, Mephisto and Thirteen were already there. they see Mephisto sleeping and Mammon watching a horror movie. Mammon yelps when he feels mehpistos arm fall off the couch. "it's just Meph..calm down mammon you are a demon.." then raph appears "Mammon-" Mammon turns his head to face Raph and screams "AAAH MONSTER DONT HURT MEE" Mammon runs away and gets on top of the fridge "I didn't even do anything???" 


Mams and Meph were drunk and everyone else decided not to drink not like Luke could drink anyways. And out of nowhere mammon goes to Meph "Bro" "what is it" "What if..we like to go fly" "Ouh yeuh. we gots winfgds" Mammon and Mephistoles giggle uncontrollably "Wait. Mams" "What" "Our boyfriends woud nevah let us fly" "Fuck your right" "Wanna go get capes" "Yes"

with the two 'drunks'

"Well, we escaped so." "Let's go get ????" Mammon and meph drive off and get to ????'s place and when that person comes out it's...


 Mammon used most of his power to bring her back and he did. 

now they were heading to an arcade where Mammon and Lilith got stuck in the game "MEPH CALL FOR HELP-" Mammon yelled and Lilith looked and says "We need to sing to get out of here "Dammit" Mammon is on the left and Lilith is on the right

(yall see where I'm going with this right my fnf and gacha phase is coming back. help)

later in the game mammon was minding his own business before some black corruption falls on him he stands up with a crooked smile and Mammon starts shooting with deadly Grimm using his hands at Lilith as his wings and horns come out. and Lilith dodged "Go call for help- BITCH STOP SHOOTING AT ME"

 Meph nodded and goes on his phone and calls Simeon "Heeey Simeon..." 'What did you do' "Mammon is kind of stuck in a game...with someone.." 'who?' "Uh. You'll see. bring his brothers and bf too and keep Luke there with Solomon" 'Will do we will be there in thirty minutes max'

 "Okay bye" 'bye' Meph goes back. "WELL, WHAT DID WHOEVER SAY?" "They'll be here in thirty minutes max" "DAMMIT MAMS STOP! OUR BROTHERS ARE WAITING FOR YOU..!"   "They doOnT c-C-c-CAr-r--rr-e" "Yes they do! just fight it mammon!" "T-TH-H-H-H-HEY DON'T CARE!" Mammon puts his hands on his head and goes from Lucifer to Levi to Simeon to satan to Asmo and He starts to shoot at Lilith again he glitches and turns into Lucifer while still shooting at Lilith After a good thirty minutes Simeon and the others come in "I still do not see why it requires for all of us to be here" Lucifer says crossing his arms "You all been stuck in a game before now go" Meph pushed them all to the game 

 "You good gurl" "DO I LOOK GOOD TO YOU??" Lilith yelled as she was still being shot at "STOP SHOTOTTUIRDKJFHGJK" Lilith grabbed a rope from her pocket and uses it to take Mammon out of the corruption "Hi sis lol" "You shot at me" "Oh damn" Lilith tackles Mammon and starts strangling him and then they tussle out the game and wrestle before Mephisto pulls the two apart

 "calm your asses down" "SHE STARTED IT" "MY HANDS ARE RATED M FOR MAMMON" "MY HANDS ARE RATED L FOR LILITH" Mams and Lil glare at each other the six brothers are dumbfounded and five of them go to Lilith and hug her  and satan goes to mammon and sits next to him. and mammon was devouring pretzels

 "stop eating that much." mammon kept devouring the pretzels like beel and Mammon got a big bag of dry cereal from his bag and started devouring it."I'm genuinely concerned what the hell" Then everyone walks over to tell them they were going to go but see satan trying to pull away a bag of dry cereal from Mammon who was devouring it

(mammon like me frfr)

Satan successfully pulled away the bag "No" and Mammon frowns and reaches for it satan glares at Mammon and Mammon turns his head away and had to be dragged all the way back to the purgatory hall. then everyone noticed Mammon had a pack of crackers and was eating it "Where did you even-" "Shhhhhhhhhh.." mammon kept eating and then Mammon stood up and leaps out the window and everyone just looks and sees Mammon falling  and landing on his feet like a cat and he runs "wtf"

mammon and his bros (previously THIS NEVER SHOULD HAVE HAPPENED) Where stories live. Discover now