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Wang yibo pov

I never expected I will be given a second chance to amend all the mistakes I made in my last life, I didn't cherish the people who truly and honestly cared about me, but mistreated and humiliated them like they meant nothing to me.

To my eyes they were nothing but trash, a stain that will forever make my carefree life miserable, I didn't treasure that only one person who was sincere and even at the end of my life he was there with me and never forsake me like others, he was willing to die with me, protect me.

The person I expected will be the first to laugh at me for my defeat, betrayal and demise was actually the first person to try and be there for me, reassure me that I wasn't alone.

I remember vividly well my parents forcing me to marry a ger (a man whose physique is special and can concieve just like women, there body structure is much more smaller compared to normal male)

I wasn't happy immediately after being the leader of the family i was forced to get married, and to get back to the ger I was forced to marry I did every bad thing that will make the ger miserable, bringing different women in our house, having the maid's in the house bully the ger, torture him in every way possible and seeing him hurting and in pain was my ultimate happiness.

But what annoys me even more no matter what I did not even once has he ever complained or try to resist! It's like he was a robot and does everything he was told to do, even when bullied or beaten he never complained.

The ger I married whose name was xiao zhan became pregnant, but never received any care and at that time I didn't really care, the bullying, starvation and beating continued and strangely enough the baby still survived, the day he gave birth no one was there to take care of him and I took the child away from him and had one of my mistress take care of him, but the child didn't survive for long because three months later he mysteriously died but I didn't really care.

I remember xiao zhan crying and begging me not to take his child away, but I still did it anyway, and after the death of the child I noticed xiao zhan never spoke or exposed his emotions again.

Three year's later after I was betrayed by own uncle who killed my parents and he didn't even spare me, I watched all those people who used to pretend to be so loyal looking at me there eyes full of mockery, and xiao zhan who chose to stick to me even after doing those horrible thing's to him.

I watched xiao zhan die in my arms because of the freezing cold weather without any complains or regret.

Now he swore if he will ever have another chance in life, he won't make the mistake, but he will love and treat better the person who was the only one who truly cared about him and listen to his parents instead of being so proud and stupid.

Now that he is given a chance to rectify his mistake, he is sure to make everything right.

SECOND CHANCE TO LOVE HIM BETTER ☑️(REBIRTH)Where stories live. Discover now