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Life has always been hard for you. You lived a relatively normal life up until the age of fourteen. It wasn't the most luxurious lifestyle but as the child of parents that worked in the stables life couldn't be too harsh. You had food, water and a warm place to sleep. However, that all changed in one night.

Your village was raided in the middle of the night. Your parents tried to fight off the raiders but got themself killed in the process. You woke up the next morning completely unharmed but your village was deserted. You immediately went to look for your parents but to your horror you found their bodies hanging outside the entrance of the village.

You were completely alone and didn't know what to do. You were fourteen years old and your parents worked in the stables. You had know idea how to hunt, how to cook, you didn't even know how to fight. How on earth were you going to survive?

You managed to last six months at your village on the food that the raiders didn't find. It hurt knowing you were the only one left. You would walk past the houses where your friends used to live half expecting them to run out and meet you. However every time you walked past you were greeted by silence. The pain you felt for the loss of your friends and family was unimaginable.

In the first week you cut your parents bodies down from where they were hanging and buried them together near your house. It wasn't the most beautiful send off but it was the least you could do for the people that raised you. You loved them so much and you still cry yourself to sleep every night at the thought that they are never coming back.

After you almost ran out of food you decided that in order to survive you needed to keep moving. You knew there was another small town about a day's walk away. This needed to be your next stop knowing that if you didn't make a move that day then you would end up starving to death. You manage to raid one of the houses finding a dagger. You had no idea how to use it but it would definitely come in handy in certain situations.

After a day of travelling and using the last of your food you arrived at the nearby town. You somehow manage to last a year in that town. You were a hard honest worker. On your first day in the town you found the local tavern. You begged the bloke that owned it for a job explaining that you didn't need pay, just food and maybe somewhere to sleep as you explained what happened at your village.

He felt sorry for you saying he would pay you in food and a place to sleep each night and that is exactly what he did for the next year. You couldn't complain. You loved your job. You enjoyed the people you worked with and you loved seeing all the travellers that stopped by the tavern each day. The stories you heard were so fascinating. However like before it only took one night for it all to be turned upside down.

You had been crushing on one of the people in the town and you finally wanted to make a move with them. However, unlike most, your crush had been on an older woman. The town you had been staying in for the past year was very religious and believed that if a woman laid with another woman you were going against god.

That night you had both gotten too loud and the owner of the tavern caught you both as naked as the day you were born pleasuring one another. He screamed at you both, threatening you that if you didn't get out of his tavern and leave that instant he would have you hung. At that you grabbed everything you had and left that night never once looking back.

How could life treat you so poorly? You had your real family taken from you and your new family kicked you out for you just being who you really were. Your life as a criminal started that day. With no place to go and no food to eat you had to steal in order to survive. It was the last thing you wanted to do as your parents always told you stealing was wrong but you didn't have much of a choice.

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