Rin ending 😢

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Here's the Rin chapter 🤭

I answered the call and heard the voice of Rin that I had missed for so long.
"Huh what do you want?" I asked him and tried to sound cold what even kinda worked. "y/n can we meet at the cat cafe?" He asked me what surprised me a little.
"Why? You know it's really late" i said and I heard a little sigh.
"Please it is really important"
I just sighed and talked "I can still get the bus in five minutes so I'll be there in fifteen minutes, don't be late" i said before i hang up and sae looked confused at me.

"I'm really sorry sae but i need to go now" i apologized but he just smiled at me and nodded while walking to the door and stopped before walking out. "Good luck with Rin. I'm sure you can do it" he said and walked out where i quickly followed him to get my bus.

Inside the bus a lot of questions flew around my head 'what is he gonna tell me?' 'does he still love me?' 'do i still love him?'
Well that was a dumb question, of course i still love him.

Walking towards the cat cafe i saw him standing in front of the door looking in my direction. "what's so important to meet me at the middle of the night here?" I asked him suspicious.
"Y/n i broke up with harumi"
"Uhh that's good for you?" I said while i didn't know what to say.
"I didn't love her, i only love one girl. And to be honest she's the only girl I loved in my whole life"
He said while i just stood there awkwardly.

"Uhhh... Lucky her?" I still didn't know what to say. "y/n i only love you" he said while looking away. "than why did you broke up with me?" I muttered.
"Well harumi told me that you said to her that you want a rich man who can treat you right and buy you a lot of gifts and who will give you a lot of attention but i couldn't do that. I'm not rich and I can't get you a lot of gifts. I also can't give you the attention you deserve. Than she told me that it would be better for you if i break up with you so you can find someone better" he ended his little speech.

"All of that said harumi...? Why would you believe her?" I said and he really looked guilty.
"I don't know it's just that you are such a nice and beautiful person and maybe you already have noticed but a lot of other guys from us have a crush on you and I just thought you would be happier with one of them" he said still not looking into my eyes.
(If you still not feel bad for Rin I'll be very mad at you🤬)

"Rin, i don't want some rich man or someone who could give me attention every second and I also don't need hundreds of gifts. You know the duck plush is still the only plushie on my bed and the duck keychain is always with me. I don't want someone other i just want you..." I said and he finally looked back to my eyes.

"But you can deserve so much better-" he wanted to talk again but i simple slapped him what made him shocked. "stop it. Stop with all your self-pity. You say all the time that I deserve better but I'm never happier with anyone than you so if you want to see me happy let us be together " i said and caressed with my hand over his cheek i just had slapped.
"But why?" He said and I got kinda upset. "Rin don't you get it? I can't just decide who i love and i love you!"

"I love you too y/n..." He muttered and didn't sound too sure.
"You sure? You don't sound like you're sure about that" i chuckled a little.
"No i mean it! I really like you, i love you y/n" he said and I smiled.

"Than i have a last question, why did you got into a relationship with harumi?" I said and my smile disappeared again.
"She told me that you would only get over me if i have someone new and she said she'll take the place and that it's only for your good"
Well that was some dumb reason...

"That doesn't really matter now right? You have me back and we'll just forget about this whole harumi thing okay?" I said and he quickly nodded.
"Thanks y/n. For giving me a second chance " he smiled and came closer to connect our lips.

"I missed you so much Rin" i whispered as we broke our kiss. "i missed you more" he said and took my hand into his.
"Do you wanna sleep this night at mine? It's really late and I don't want you to get the bus this late again" He suggested and I accepted his offer.

Arrived at his home we went to his bedroom and I quickly went closer to him to get between his arms.
"Soo Rin you need to leave tomorrow again right? For your little french team right?" I asked him.
"Mhmm it's already a wonder that i got this day off" he said.

"But we'll text everyday day okay? And don't block me again!" I muttered against his chest where my head was laying.
"Of course" he smiled at me and I chuckled as I sat up. "you know i never saw you smiling this much"

"I'm surprised by myself"he shrugged his shoulder.
"It's really late we should sleep now" i yawned and he agreed.

Laying down i came closer again and pressed my face against his chest while his arms wrapped around my waist to pull me closer.
Closing my eyes i whispered
"Good night Rin please never leave me again "

"I'll never leave you again. Promise.
Good night love" he whispered back and gave me a little forehead kiss.

That was kinda cringe writing this but it didn't turn out too bad.
Should I do some bonus chapter?😢

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