Speedwagon and Spencer's bizarre Clash at the Gas Station.

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At the edge of town, in the middle of nowhere, far from any signs of civilization. There's a sh***ty Gas Station. Strange things happen at this Gas Station, from an Underwear Cowboy in the bathroom to the gang of chaotic evil mutant raccoons eating anything that's half-editable. This Gas Station was strange. But there was an event that almost everyone forgot, a Clash that would seem like a myth, a story of modern legend. But it happened.

We start this Tale from this Gas Station in the front of the establishment. A portal opened up and what jumped out was Robert E.O Speedwagon. A well-known ogre street thug from the 1880s looking nasty as ever. He was surprised at the modern age Gas Station.

"Wow, What's this structure?" He wondered. Suddenly Speedwagon heard footsteps.

"Who's there? I know you're here!" Speedwagon stated. The footsteps were coming closer and louder, followed by dragging metal, Speedwagon knew something was up. The figure walked closer, and closer until it showed itself. Standing in front of Speedwagon was Spencer Middleton, a monster in a man, a 6 feet tall man with brown hair, blue eyes, and a face of insanity. He was holding a shovel in one hand and a flip phone in the other.

"Yes, yes Kieffer I'm gonna go talk to my boss. I'll see you later, I got something to do." Spencer said.

"I'll hate politicians."

"Who are you? What is this place? Why am I here?"


"I said where am I?" Speedwagon asked. Spencer took a look at Speedwagon, He closed his phone, put it into his pocket, and answered "Where at a Gas Station you idiot? Wait, you're that guy from Jojo?" Spencer Middleton said with a cruel and psychotic smile.

Speedwagon knew a crazy person when he saw one. "THAT'S IT! I'm gonna teach you some manners you nut!" Speedwagon said, grabbing his hat.

"... Try me then..." Spencer said between sadistic laughs. Spencer positioned his Shovel in a fighting stance, ready to take on anything.

The two combatants did not move for the first two seconds. But suddenly Speedwagon revealed his hat with saws. It spun with its deadly sawblades showing light.

"PREPARE FOR YOUR DOOM!" Speedwagon yelled.

The hat and Spencer charged at each other, The Hat got hit by Spencer's shovel, and the objects met and made an ear-screeching noise. The Hat flies off and tries to hit again. It successfully hits Spencer's arm. Blood flies everywhere with the sound of pain and metal flies. It suddenly stops, Spencer removes the hat and throws it away from Speedwagon. Spencer then laughed maniacally, with a horrifying tone.

"Wh...... Why are you laughing." Speedwagon asked.

"You're such an embarrassment Speedwagon!"

"Wha-" Before Speedwagon could finish his sentence, Spencer Middleton ran and hit him on the head with a devastating hit from the shovel. With a loud whack, Speedwagon was on the floor, Spencer Middleton took advantage. He went down and punched Speedwagon in the kidneys repeatedly, each time more destructive. Speedwagon tried to block his kidneys. But Spencer was not going to have that happen, he started punching the sh*t out of him in various parts. He punched Speedwagon's chest so hard, it felt like Speedwagon was gonna die. Spencer was psychotically laughing all the way when he was pummeling Speedwagon to the ground.

"You know Speedwagon? You were always pathetic to me. When I watched Jojo, I always thought Dio would kill you, you were such a loser!" Spencer said in between maniacal laughs. Speedwagon punched him between the legs, Spencer Middleton yelled in agony as he got off.

Speedwagon got up, coughing blood, crimson blood was all over the Gas Station Pavement as he got up, he felt pain and agony. If there's one thing Speedwagon knew about Spencer, it's that Spencer Middleton is an artist when it comes to dishing out pain and Agony and extending it. He felt horrible. Suddenly, a portal opened and there was a sledgehammer laying in it. Speedwagon grabbed it and looked at Spencer with a smile.

"It's time to finish this," Speedwagon said as he was approaching Spencer Middleton.

Spencer Middleton got up and looked at Speedwagon. Speedwagon shoved his Sledgehammer into Spencer's stomach. Spencer yelled in pain. He grabbed his Shovel and blocked another Sledgehammer strike with it.

"I'm gonna kill you Speedwagon! My boss will be happy once you're gone!"

"Let's find out then punk."

"You're gonna be history Speedwagon! I am gonna bust you open and drink your blood like it's Kool-Aid!"

Both clashed with a shovel and a sledgehammer. Both opponents were clashing. Speedwagon pushed Spencer away and raised the sledgehammer overhead. Speedwagon hit Spencer in the head and a crack echoed across the outside of the Gas Station. Spencer's head busted, blood coming out of his skull. Spencer held still for a minute but he snapped and charged at Speedwagon.

Speedwagon was going to make another blow to Spencer but Spencer kicked him in the gut. Speedwagon whipped forward and he tried and coughed blood on the pavement. Spencer took advantage and grabbed Speedwagon's head, and slammed Speedwagon's head on the ground multiple times. Spencer then rolled Speedwagon over and started punching Speedwagon again. The blows were damaging Speedwagon more, He was in massive pain.

"You think I would just not continue to assault you? You must have brain damage!" Spencer stated while pummeling Speedwagon.

He grabbed Speedwagon and hit him in the stomach with his Shovel. The hit destroyed Speedwagon, He was feeling pain. Spencer grabbed him by his clothes and was gonna throw him into the ground but the portal sent Speedwagon to his rightful realm.

Spencer Middleton felt blood staining his suit. He knew that he had to get medical attention. But he knew that his boss would take care of that. He had a job to do. Spencer walks to the Gas Station to buy something.

Meanwhile, Speedwagon was laying down, dying in the snow. He turned to the side of the alley. It seemed like a giant man with blue hair was there. The Man looked down and kneeled near Speedwagon.

"Are you okay sir?" The man said.

"My name is Jonathan Joestar. You need to go to a hospital, sir,"

Speedwagon and Spencer's Bizarre Clash at The Gas StationWhere stories live. Discover now