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Decker, an ordinary 16 year old who's life is apparently "perfect". This is temporary and so is his best friend's. School isn't where they met, it all started online until they realised they had gone to the same school. She saw him first until they'd be together 24/7, course she'd caught little feelings for him but not entirely. He was just her obsession knowing that nothing could get in between them unless he leaves her. She didn't believe that could happen either, they were perfect.

But nothing lasts forever

Years had past and Decker had become the Great Superhero of Newyork, no one knowing his identity. The girl had been completely ghosted for years after he exchanged schools, she hadn't seen it coming. Something she did see coming though, was her kindness, humour.. humanity vanishing from each day he had been gone.

Decker one day at 19 years old realised a difference in his body. His strength and ability had gone up, almost nothing could hurt him or go through his body. It was as if even a bullet would just bounce off of his muscle. Decker didn't just use it to win fights for school, he put the abilities to use and that is how he became Sinther. None of this was from a spider bite or a pod. It was all from God.

Pressure was another one of his abilities, no pressure would push him out of the way. No ones words would affect him unless it was meant and from the heart. He also didn't notice this until he'd felt nothing from a girl he thought he'd liked who had confessed to him. He did not feel anything from her.. and so it was over for the both of them. At 23, he found another girl, her words did mean something. He knew it was one of his gifts again. 'What a stranger power', he had thought. One thing he didn't know.. is that, that power is the entire reason he is who he is currently.

It's all part of God's plan

Not for Decker


For the girl

'Honey! You here?' Decker shouts as he walks through the front door, removing his jacket and placing his suitcase on the sofa. He walks to the kitchen and finds his 5 year old daughter at the sink on a stool. He turns the light on and walks behind her. 'Oh hey Sweetie, what's going on here, huh?' He smiles and turns the tap off, taking her off the stool.
'I trying to wash up, papa,' the little girl says while looking him in the eyes.
His smile brightens as he kneels down to her, 'Sweetie, your to young to be doing chores.'
'You said that I- a big girl..' She crosses her arms at him.
Decker let's out a small chuckle, 'okay, your right Sweetie.' He looks at his watch, 'oh my god, it's 2am, you should be in bed..' He picks her up and she wipes her hands on his back. 'Where's Mommy, huh?' He asks her while turning the kettle on and walking back into the living room, sitting her on the couch and putting the fire on.
'I not tired, papa!' She little girl replies.
'Right well.. here's the deal. I'm gonna make you a hot chocolate and you will go to bed, okay?'
The little girl thinks for a second.
'With marshmallows.' She giggles and smiles.
'Deal.' He smiles. He puts her small blanket on her and turns the TV on, taking the cup from the coffee table.
'Did Mommy make you this?' He says while walking.
'No," She replies, not taking her eyes off the TV.
'You didn't make this yourself.. wait, wheres Mommy again?'
'I sink she talking to the nice man upstairs.' The little girl replies.

Decker walks to the stairs and drops the cup on the floor. As he quietly makes his way up to listen for any noise, he notices a drop of blood at the top - dipping his two fingers in it for a closer look. Moving towards the bedroom and following the trail, he stands at the doorframe. Tears are forming in his eyes, a loss worth losing lays there in front of him.
Decker's wife, Nancy - knife through her gut and bullet through her seeable skull.

A day he will never forget will haunt him in his nightmares.

A woman's body who will haunt him in his nightmares.

A villian who is the reason he is haunted in his nightmares.

7 years later

Decker gasps and sits up in sweat, panting. He squints his eyes and looks at the timer. He once again woke up at the time he found her.. 02:04 Am in the morning. He's 31 and still the haunt continues to awaken him at that time, sweating, panting and crying from the same nightmare every single night.

He lies back down and closes his eyes for a couple seconds until there's a bang at his door.
'What the fuck,' He says quietly and gets up to open the door, peeking out his apartment and looking through the corridoors to find a man in blue walking away.
'Hey!' He shouts.
The man keeps walking but looks behind.
'Got a problem?'
The man looks forwards again.
'Look on your door,' He shouts back and walks out the corridor.
Decker's confused and looks at the front of his door to find an "EVICTED" poster. He sighs and sits against the door frame with his head in his arms.
'Shit..' He sobs.

Five hours pass by and Decker is outside the building owner's House. The door opens and the man sighs.
'Richie, please,' Decker begs.
Richie steps outside the house and closes his door. 'Aren't you late?' He says while walking down the steps with Decker following behind him.
Decker looks at his watch, 'shit, Richie I- I need this just three days I beg.'
'Decker I've told you, you had 5 more days and I still haven't gotten my money,' He says as he opens the car door.
'No, I know but please just two more days and I promise you, I will have the money okay? Just two more days is all I'm asking I promise okay?'
Richie sighs and turns to him. 'God.' He gets into his car. 'Two days, Decker, TWO!' The door slams shut.
Decker sighs in relief and preys his hands together.
'THANK YOU! God, thank you so much your a life saver.'
Richie starts the car, winding the window down and looks out the window to Decker.
'Two days.' He drives off.
'Thank you so- I LOVE YOU!' He shouts down the streets. 'MWA!' He blows a kiss with both his hands and smiles before fixing his suit with everyone on the streets staring at him.

Later on he finally arrives at his work but an hour late, slamming himself through the doors and running to the broken elevator - realising its broken and running up all the stairs. He makes it into the meeting room and fixes his tie.

'Decker! Your late..' The Boss shouts from across the room.
'I know sir and I am so, so sorry,' He walks to his seat and sits down, 'I just saved myself from getting evicted! 'He says while trying to open his suitcase on the floor.
'Whatever, you got the plans?'
'Yeah, actually I do- if I could just.. open this suitcase,' He chuckles in embarrassment while everyone stares at him.
As he opens his suitcase it isn't the plans inside. He brought his Superhero outfit instead.
'Dude, is that a cosplay suit?' A guy asks while pulling a look.
Decker closes the suitcase and looks at his boss.
'What?' The Boss shouts.
'Sir I..'
'Do you have the plans or NOT?'
'I must have gotten my suitcases mixed up.' Decker sighs.
'Oh my god.' Another guy says.
The Boss stands up from his seat and walks over to Decker. Decker stands up as well, clenching his jaw in nerve.
'Do you have the plans?'
'No sir,' He says softly and quietly.
The Boss smiles and nods.
'Go clean out your office.' He says quietly.
Decker sighs and looks at everyone in humiliation. He nods and picks up his suitcase, walking out of the room quietly.

Decker sits in his office, clearing out his draws before he comes across a photo of his wife hiding at the bottom. He slowly picks it up and softly smiles.

The thought finally hits him.

"Would she be disappointed in where I am now?"

He had just lost his job, his daughter is in Foster care and he's getting evicted from his apartment all because she died..

'Shit.. how am I gonna pay Richie..?' He whispers to himself..

Decker goes back to his apartment and shoves everything on the floor and sits on his half broken bed. He turns on the TV onto the news channel.

"-iller has still not been found. Some people say it was a set up suicide as a wake up call, while others are mentioning her grieving husband Decker Danshey. Police are backing down from the case after years of getting no where and no evidence that it was the husband as his Boss claims that Decker was at work the entire da-"

Decker switches the TV off and opens his suitcase.
'Lazy pricks,' He mumbles as the suit transports itself on his body.

Little does Decker know, this day is where the real
wake up call starts.

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