I Dont Want A Mate! [A Twilight FF]

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[[A/N: The characters do NOT belong to me, they belong to Stephanie Meyers, except for Spirit and Blaze plus the odd character here and there. I just want everyone to realize that Im super embarrassed of this book, I wrote it a few years ago and it desperately needs editing so I'm sorry.]]


"I want you gone. I never want to see your face again!" My father yelled as I cowered away from him. He's angry that I didn't find my mate in the Alpha. It's not as if I can chose who I mate, it's automatic, something which I have no control over. But he doesn't seem to realize that through his anger, all he knows is that I've failed him. I don't even want a mate; I think as I push myself further into the corner my father had trapped me in.

My mother is basically a prisoner to my father because she 'loves' him. She sits and watches him with a lovey dovey expression while he hits me or my brother. Never doing anything to stop him, seemingly oblivious as to how abusive he was towards us. Because they were mates, and when you're mated, they are the only thing that matters. Their happiness. No matter how they go about getting it.

I nod my head and run out of the door, towards our neighbor's house. It's where my brother was staying for the night, as his best friend had invited him for a 'guys night'.. I didn't want to ruin their night, they rarely got to hang out anymore as my father became more and more volatile; but I had no choice.

I knock tentatively and wait impatiently for someone to answer. Glancing over my shoulder a couple of times to make sure my father hadn't followed me, I finally decided I was relatively safe. The door swung open, revealing Mrs. Treymont who was grinning from ear to ear.

"I need my brother." She stepped out of my way, her eyes automatically becoming clouded with worry but I ignored it and I immediately ran up the stairs towards Zeke's room.

"Blaze.." I walked into the room slowly, glancing around until my eyes made contact with my twins.

"I got kicked out." I held my head high, staying as emotionless as possible, though I knew that it did no good. Blaze could always tell what I was feeling, it didn't matter how efficient I was at hiding it.

"What? Why?" Jumping up, Blaze ran towards me and swallowed me into his rather muscular arms.

"For not mating with Alpha Collin. He said to go far away, so I am. I'm tired of this Blaze.. I can't handle it anymore so even if he invites me back, I can't go back there.. I can't make it on my own either.. I need someone to come with me.."

"Of course I'm coming with you!" He looked at me as though I was stupid, which I felt at that moment. I could feel his emotions rolling off of him.

Anger, sadness, confusion and nervousness, I simply nodded numbly and sat down on the bed. Zeke put his arm around my shoulder, trying to comfort me. Honestly, I didn't need comfort, I was glad to leave. Sure I'd miss my one friend, who happened to be him but I wanted to get away from my father.

"I take it we're leaving today? Where should we go?" My brother questioned, looking as lost as I felt.

"I heard Texas has a lot of woods, they'd be good for running in wolf form I suppose."

Blaze nodded thoughtfully, then he got this faraway look to his eyes, and they seemed to glaze over slightly. I knew he was having a vision, it happened relatively often since he'd hit puberty and first transformed into his wolf. Each wolf had a certain.. gift.. that they received after their first transformation. His had been premonition, mine was fire. Not only could I put out a fire with a single glance and a twitch of my muscles, I could start them just as easily.

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