Miss Trouble and the Guardian

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There are things in life that are inevitable.

Waking up energized after a good night's sleep.

And having a splitting headache after a bad night's drunken episode.

"... netizens were shocked to see the notorious A-list celebrity casually pulling up to the bar with a widely recognized boyband member in tow... "

How she was able to get up from bed and will herself to look halfway decent is beyond her.

"... is entangled in yet another unfortunate - uhm, event."

Drink moderately, she reminded herself as another wave of splitting pain washed through her.

"... this A-list actress has no moral compass or desire to show an admirable character for the youth of today, choosing instead to display public affections with a minor, eighteen years her junior..."

"He said he's 18!" Lulu responds defensively.

Her manager stares at her in awe. "Really? That's all you have to say?"

The A-list actress shrugs. "I mean, what's the big deal? It's not like they dropped a name or something."

"LULU BAI is the greatest example of everything that's wrong with celebrities these days."

Her manager raised one perfectly trimmed judgmental brow.

Lulu started to wish she can sink to the floor. "I'm sure I heard him say he's 18." She mumbles, now uncertain.

"I bet you did." Her manager takes a deep breath to calm herself. "Or maybe he said he's 18 years younger than you BUT YOU WERE TOO DRUNK TO UNDERSTAND."

"What can I do? I'm a hit with the younger market." Lulu manages to chuckle while admiring herself in the mirror.

But the piercing stare of her manager cuts her abruptly.

Lulu winces as she recognizes that face. It's time to let out her safe card.

"Faye jiejie, let me make it up to you." She coos sweetly. "I'll do whatever you want."

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, she must be Lulu." Her manager sighs in dismay.

"Promise, I'll behave this time!" Lulu swears, girl scout style.

The continuous ringing from her manager's phone abruptly cuts their conversation.

One look from her phone signals alarm in the manager's face.

"Lulu-ah, let's talk later." Her manager quickly grabs her keys and heads for the door. "Something came up."

"I was going to ask if you want to- " Lulu starts to speak. "... have dinner."

But her manager is already out of sight.

I guess it's me, myself and I then. The A-list actress sighs as she grabs her bag and head on out the door.

The filming has ended. Everyone's packing up their own things, eager to go home to the people they love.

All are excited except for Lulu Bai.

Another lonely night.

Imagine Lulu's surprise when she received a message from an unlikely sender.

Your father wants to have dinner with you.

It was a brief message from her father's Chief of Staff and yet, it was enough to get her excited to go home.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2023 ⏰

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