An Awareness

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Once his speech was over there was a standing ovation , his words inspired a room full people now they're not only enlightened about the effects of drugs in youth they're ready to make a change. Sam looked at Anna she was smiling ear to ear she was happy she was thrilled after this was her cause it was her who lost the brother to drugs it was her who lost the family's happiness for Sam it was just about impressing her and he was sure he did brilliant job at that ,Anna ran over to him wrapped her hands around him and said said thank you so much we did it , We, it was the first she used that word.

He knew the moment he saw her that she was the one, and now it's finally going to happen. Before he could say anything, a couple of people in fairly nice suits approached him and said, "Hi, it was a brilliant speech. We are from a government-funded agency that investigates and eradicates drug use in youths." We're holding a dinner today to raise cash and educate people, and we could really use someone like you. Sam looked at Anna, her eyes bright with enthusiasm, and she said yes so loudly that almost everyone looked at us. Yes, Sam, we've finally arrived at the right place for the right reason. She then leaned in and kissed him.

Sam...Sam...Wake up you moron! Alex kept calling him. Sam, woke up with  flashing red eyes, you stupid, you just ruined a great dream. Oh, here's something that might help you, Alex handed him a bonk and some crystal meth. Oh yes, you're a hero, Alex. I'm meeting Anna today for her campaign, and I could really use some acid to think things through.Alex laughed out loud and said it's drugs against drugs may the big bad wolf win

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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