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"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I'd have one flower, because you never left my mind"

If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I wouldn't have just one.

I can't say you never left my mind.

Forgive me, but I am easily distracted by the ups and downs and mundane things of life

I can't say you never left my mind

But you do enter it frequently

Enough to create fields of your favorite flowers so that I may one day take you there

I can't say you never left my mind

But that's not a bad thing

It let me be reminded of you from the most of mundane things

The cup of old paint water, a brush still sitting in it, waiting to be used again

Miscellaneous objects scattered around my room

The sunlight spilling through the blinds of my window, makings it's way into my room at just the right angle

I can't say you never left my mind

But you were there when I needed you

When I struggled with my thoughts of leaving this world behind and moving onto the next, hoping for a better reality

But then where would you be

Besides in my thoughts

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