Night one~

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Bonnie POV

I sat on the stage alone as I watched the others play a game. I sighed and pulled a book out to read (idk where he got the book from...). As I read a few pages I began to drift off to sleep. I put down my book, saving my spot with a bookmark I rubbed my eyes and headed towards my room

"Watch out!!" Chica shouted as a ball flew strait in my direction. Easily I ducked out of the way and the ball flew into the Pirates cove. "OW!" A voice yelled as Foxy appeared from behind the curtains rubbing his forehead with the ball in hand. I stared at him a bit then continued walking towards my room yawning.

Foxy POV

All I did was sit in the cove not even doing anything then outta nowhere a ball flys in and hits me right in the forehead! When I look out the cove I frowned as I rubbed my forehead and saw Bonnie staring at me. I've had a crush on him ever since we first met. We had become good friends, but I wanted to be more than just friends. Though the fear of being rejected was too much so I haven't confessed to him......yet.

For a little bit we stared at each other so cute~ I thought but pushed my feelings away. As Bonnie yawned and walked away I went to go handle the others. And by that I had hit Fredric (T.Freddy) with the ball then went back to the cove.

Foxy x Bonnie Oneshot~ (human!)Where stories live. Discover now