Chapter 3- Zoe

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"OUCH!" I landed on the hard floor of a stone house. I groaned and lifted myself off the floor. Wait a minute,hard floor, stone house? Then it all came back to me. Jake, the attic, and the strange thing, which I had decided was a portal, that had sucked me in and dropped me here. Suddenly I heard voices. They came closer and closer until they finally reached the room I was in. I found myself staring at three boys, dressed in - togas?

"Poios eísai esý?" one of the boys said.

"What?" What language was he speaking in? And where was I? Before I could ask those questions, another boy, with a muddy toga, pushed me down. His eyes were smoldering and he started yelling angrily at me. Then, the older boy who had spoken earlier, said something. The angry boy stopped and quietly retreated. The older boy stepped closer. He pressed a finger to my forehead and for the second time today, I blacked out.


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