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A/n: I might make another chapter idk, I'm kinda sick rn though 😭😭














It was currently 3-3, a tie between the teams, the last game they were to play to settle the score since PE was almost over, would be basketball.

"Basketball...?" Hyo mumbled.

"What's the problem?" Isagi asked.

"I suck at basketball." Hyo sighed, he didn't really wanna do it, but he didn't have a choice.

"Oh well." Isagi shrugged and walked to their correct side of the court.

They did play soccer earlier, but it was getting a bit too aggressive, I think you could imagine how that went down.

"Isagi, Isagi!" A familiar voice called out to him catching both Isagi and Hyo's attention.

"Oh, Bachira?" Isagi asked confused.

"You didn't really get to show me how much skill you have, so you still have to play soccer with me." Bachira grinned at him before walking back to his position.

Hyo sweatdropped before looking over at Isagi who just shrugged and they returned to position, and the game began. The teams were swapped around a little bit to make the teams even again ( some were sent to the nurse's office. )

The game played on for a little while, Isagi started getting bored though and began loosing focus on what he was doing.

"Isagi!" Hyo called out to him, Isagi didnt even react.

The reason for Hyo attempting to break Isagi out of his own little world is that, the basketball was thrown to him, Hyo would have tried to catch the ball but he was too far away from Isagi.

Before Isagi was hit, the same cherry haired male, quickly pulled him down as they both fell to the floor, which did indeed wake Isagi up. He stared at the cherry haired a bit startled.

"Are you alright Isagi?" He asked staring at him a bit concerned.

"Ah, yeah, I'm good, you?" Isagi asked and brushed himself off offering his hand.

The cherry haired nodded and took his hand and stood up, the both pulled their hands back and went to their respective sides.

"You're not hurt are you Isagi?" Hyo asked worried.

"No, I'm fine, you worry too much." Isagi laughed a little.

"I have all the rights to worry." Hyo huffed.

"The cherry haired is fast though." Hyo sweatdropped slightly

Isagi nodded his head in agreement.

"What's his name again?" Isagi asked.

"Chigiri I've heard." Hyo replied to Isagi.

"Chigiri...okay." Isagi nodded, and the whistle blew again.

The score ended staying as a tie since the bell rang, they all traveled to their next class.

"Isagi! You okay?" Bachira asked him as he pounced on him from behind giving Isagi a bit of a heart attack.

"Uh, yeah I'm fine." Isagi nodded making Bachira smile in response.

"What class is next?" Hyo asked.

"Maths." Chigiri responded as he walked beside Hyo also giving Hyo a heart attack.

"Oh! Uh- thanks!" Hyo said before giving him a smile.

"No problem." Chigiri responded.

"You're Chigiri right?" Hyo asked.

"Mhm." Chigiri nodded.

"Alright." Hyo nodded.

"Oh! Are yous going to join in on the dorms??" Bachira asked excited.

"Dorms?" Both Hyo and Isagi asked confused.

"Yeah, the school system has dorms to make it easier on family's, it's free." Chigiri explained.

"Really?" Hyo asked surprised.

"Yep." Chigiri nodded.

"Theee-...only problem is that you have to share a dorm with someone, not your choice." Bachira chuckled.

"Mm." Chigiri nodded his head in agreement.

"Hmm, alright!" Hyo nodded.

"We'll think about it." Isagi said with Hyo agreeing with him.

They carried on talking till they made it to maths, it was a pretty chill lesson since it was their first day at maths, next they had science, and even though they weren't really doing much, Bachira still manged to almost blow something up.

It was now finally interval.

"Finally! Those lessons were so long...." Hyo whined and walked beside Isagi.

"I just wanna go home already." Isagi sighed with Hyo nodding in agreement.

"So what's your plan?" Isagi asked, talking about the dorms.

"Oh, my plan was to follow your plan-" Hyo replied.

"Oh." Isagi said.

"The odds of us getting in the same dorm is low." Hyo mumbled.

"Mm, yeah." Isagi nodded his head in agreement.

"I don't wanna be paired with a weirdo." Hyo whined.

"So, we don't get a dorm?" Isagi asked.

"Oh, no we should get one for fun." Hyo nodded.

Isagi stared at Hyo questioning him with his expressions, before just shaking his head.

"Alright then, we'll get it for fun, since it is free." Isagi shrugged.

Hyo grinned excitedly and nodded his head, they hadn't seen the dorm building yet, so they didn't really know what to expect it to look like. They talked to each other for a bit till hearing voices call out to them, well to be more specific, one person.

"Oh, Nagi! Reo!"


A/n: goddamn, thanks for the 1k+ reads?? 😭🙏

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